He lifts his head, and his fingers come under my chin, lifting my face to look at him. He searches my eyes for a minute before speaking again.
“I will be here every step of the way. Whatever you need. I will not leave. No matter what,” he says with so much conviction.
I see the pain in his eyes, and before I can stop myself, I ask, “What happened to you?”
“Many years ago, I lost my sister. It was painful to go through. She was my best friend. Losing her, I lost a part of me I’ll never get back. But what made it worse was watching my mom. My beautiful, happy, carefree mom, dropping to her knees in a hospital room that had blood all over the floor and sobbing uncontrollably. Standing by as they sedated her, not being able to help. Watching her struggle for years after to find some kind of peace with what happened.”
He exhales. “I had a girlfriend back then. I thought she was the love of my life. My sister always saw through her and hated her. Refused to be around her and called me a dumbass. My sweet sister, who never batted an eye at my lifestyle or joining an MC, who loved my brothers like her own, hated this one girl and I ignored it. But after she died, I struggled to keep myself together. She promised she’d be there every step of the way, no matter how bad it got. I trusted that.” He shudders.
“I allowed myself to be open and vulnerable with her. More so than with my brothers. But she took that vulnerability and used it against me. She used my vulnerability against me. To her, men shouldn’t ever show weakness. She was someone I thought I could be weak around and felt like she could build me back up, but I was wrong.”
He shuts his eyes, and I reach up and put my hand on his cheek.
“I’m so sorry you lost your sister,” I whisper as fresh tears make their way down my cheeks. “That girl was a bitch to do that. And an idiot to let you go.”
Axe lets out a strained laugh.
“What?” I ask as I furrow my brows.
“It’s cute when you get protective. Also, I’ve never heard you say bitch.” He chuckles.
I roll my eyes. “I cuss. It’s just usually internally,” I say, offering a small smile. “Have they said anything about when I can get out of here?”
He shakes his head. “No. But I’m guessing it will be a while. You can’t go back to your apartment, Presley.”
“What? Where else would I go? And that’s my home. I’m not just leaving it,” I say, raising my voice, feeling slightly hysterical.
He puts a finger over my lips. “Hush. I’m not asking you to leave it forever. But until we figure out what to do about Ben, I need to know you're safe. I need you to come stay at the clubhouse with me.”
I raise a brow. “I have so many questions… You want me to come stay with you? You live in the clubhouse? And what do you mean, what we do about Ben? You’re—you’re going to do something? This isn’t your problem.”
He looks at me like I’m insane.I don’t think I’m the crazy one right now.“Yes, angel. I am going to destroy him. He will pay for what he’s done. I will take him apart piece by piece and drag it out for weeks.” His eyes flash with something dangerous and surprising myself, I find that I’m not afraid of what he just said.
But that doesn’t mean I understand it. “Why?”
“Presley, do I need to remind you of what I said outside the shop? I can. That applies now. I wasn’t lying to you. I’d never lie to you.”
It takes me a moment to remember what day he is talking about.
“You’re my angel. I will fight for you. I will cherish you. Ravish you. Support you. And be whatever you want to this little one you’re growing. I never thought of myself as wanting kids, but this changes nothing. This is a part of you. And I accept all of you. I have since the day I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh.” We are quiet for a few minutes before I decide to spill. It’s not fair that he’s being open and I’m not. “I’m so scared. Of everything. It scared me to raise a baby alone. And now I’m scared to imagine my life without my baby. I don’t even know what I was having. I never got a chance to find out. But when I’m with you, I have hope again. I feel a happiness I’ve never felt before. You allow me to be whoever I want to be.
Working with you those first few weeks, I smiled and laughed more than I ever have. I slept better than I ever have the nights you stayed over. I can’t promise that I’ll be any good at this. I’ve been with one person in my life and he… he has destroyed me. I think I’ll always be scared of that happening again. But I want to try. I want to try not to be scared. With you.”
I swear the whole hospital could hear my heart beating; it’s pounding so hard. I feel a sheen of sweat form on the back of my neck. As the minutes pass. I squeeze my eyes shut.
This man is beyond hot. He’s a hot, badass biker who can have any woman he wants. He could probably walk out that door and ask the closest nurse to drop to her knees, and she would. He’s not actually going to want little ol’ spoiled anxiety-ridden broken Presley. Who now has scars inside and outside.
I was scared to even think about his words that day because I thought once I did, I would be crushed. After we talked at the club, I felt better and ready to do this with him, but I still had so much to think through before it could go far, and I just feel like there was no way he truly meant the words he said. Or would follow through. But oh, how wrong I was.Maybe, just maybe, he’s worth the risk.
His lips find mine. At some point, the sun sets, making it mostly dark in here. I can just make out his shadow. He kisses me like he needs me to breathe. He dominates my mouth. My body. My soul. All with one kiss.
I’m melting below him and would give him anything he wanted. He takes away every bad thought I have and replaces them with him.
“Axe,” I whimper around his mouth.
He makes a sound of annoyance. “Call me Jackson.”