Nerds has been doing everything in his power to track the fucker. But they were in a dark hoodie with the hood up and drove an unknown car that we can’t trace. We lost him trying to follow his path through traffic cameras. So we have no idea who it is until we can get Presley to tell us.

The second I know who it is, he is dead. I will skin him alive for what he has taken from Presley.

We looked into the husband, ex-husband, Benjamin. But he was out of the country. He is coming back now, though. The hospital had to inform him of the loss and that Presley was hurt, since they are still married. He hasn’t been here yet, but we are watching for him. He may not have done this, but I still don’t trust him, and it doesn’t mean he wasn’t involved.

I would not have made it through this week without Rage. He has sparred with me daily and kept an eye on me. My temper has been explosive. I was supposed to protect her. I never should’ve let her leave alone that night. But I thought I was doing the right thing. Then this happens, and I couldn’t even keep it together the first day because of my own issues.

I come out of my thoughts as the door cracks open and Raven pops her head in. “You doing okay? I can stay if you need a break or anything.”

I shake my head and whisper, “I’m good.”

Before I can say more, Presley whimpers and grips my shirt. Her eyes slowly open, and she looks around. Raven comes in and sits on the other side of the bed in the chair and grabs one of Presley’s hands. “Hey, Pres,” she says softly. For someone so boisterous, she is extremely calm with Presley now.

She slowly looks from me to Raven before trying to speak, but she only coughs instead. Raven gets her water and after a few sips, she speaks. “This doesn’t feel real,” Presley whispers, slow tears running down her cheeks.

I wipe them away. “It probably won’t for a while. But we’re here for you. Me. Raven. The entire club. Whatever you need.”

She offers me a tiny smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Have the cops been by? I want to get this over with and move on,” she says with no emotion, a blank mask coming down over her face.

Raven looks at me and grimaces.

Presley instantly picks up on it, her body tensing up. “What?”

I fill her in on everything I know and watch as her panic grows. Her breathing turns to pants, and she lets go of Raven’s hand to pinch her palm.

“Angel, do you know who did this?”

She nods, exhaling and taking in a shaky breath. But before she can open her mouth, the door opens and Rage walks in. I don’t notice the person behind him until Presley starts trembling and gasping for air. She’s ripping at the cords as she tries to push me away like she is trying to get away. Raven grabs her hands to stop her, and I hold her close.

“Shhh, it’s okay. What’s going on, angel?”

“Angel, huh?” a voice I don’t know says.

Presley lets out a heart-wrenching scream. Nurses and a doctor come running in and give her medicine to put her to sleep as she flails and scratches at me to get away. They ask us all to leave for a bit to give her a break. My feet don’t move for a second, not wanting to leave her alone ever again.

But whoever is here, she is terrified of just his voice alone. That sends my feet into motion.

We walk out into the hall, and I see the man who came in. He’s shorter than me by about four inches. He’s in a full suit and done up like he’s going to some fancy ass restaurant.

Rage motions to him. “This is Benjamin. Presley’s husband.”

I tense up, realizing Presley was responding that way to him. He notices and smirks before turning around and walking away. I go to follow him, but an arm stops me. I turn and glare at Stone. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Stone looks at me with a blank stare. “Not now. He would provoke you intentionally. He saw how you were with Presley. Let him go. We’ll get him. When Presley wakes up, you need to get all the information she has, and we’ll go from there.”

I huff, my chest rapidly rising and falling before I nod. “I need to take a walk.”

Stone of course follows me.

I’m ready to let my demons out to play. But for now, I’ll shove them in a box and save them for when I get my hands on that bastard.

Later that night, Raven and I are in the room with Presley. She’s still out, but they said she can wake up anytime now. My mind has been running nonstop with scenarios and trying to figure out what could’ve happened.

How is she so terrified of him if he didn’t do this? He was out of the country. At least, that’s what it looks like according to his families private airplane flight plans. I want to go hunt him down and torture answers out of him, but Rage has someone staying outside the door, not trusting me to be left alone. Not that I can blame him.

The rational side of me knows that we have to wait for Presley to explain and figure out how to take down the fucker, but the side of me that is watching my heart lay in this bed broken makes me want to spill blood. Not caring about the consequences.

My fists clench a little too hard, and Raven glances over when she hears the railing of the hospital bed creak under the pressure where I am gripping. She raises a brow at me, and I force myself to take a breath and think about something else. Which happens to be Raven. “You didn’t go to that random guy’s house the night you guys came to the club.”