Rage comes down and sits at the island. If anyone shouldn’t ever even step foot into a kitchen, it’s Rage. It’s insane how horrible of a cook he is and how he manages to burn or catch everything on fire… literally. He has caught something on fire more than once. We now have three extinguishers in the club kitchen and two in Rage’s house.

“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask, where have the girls been?” I ask. We usually have about five club sluts in the clubhouse. Some live here and others have apartments close by, but I’ve only seen two lately.

“Well, two of them got kicked out. We had an incident with them and the boys.” I notice Grayson tense but don’t comment on it. It’s none of my business. “Carly is back in college, so she will only be here on weekends now. She got a scholarship and then we covered the rest of her cost for classes.”

His eyes light up as he talks about Carly. He won’t admit it, but he has a soft spot for her. She doesn’t even sleep with the guys anymore; she just stays here when she isn’t at college and helps with shit around the club.

Rage and her have a really strong bond. I think he likes her, but he keeps her as a friend, nothing more.

“Maya and Rachel are around. But we’ve asked them to keep a distance when the boys are home. So they’re probably upstairs with some brothers and will leave for work later.” Rage continued. Maya and Rachel are just here for the sex. They are pretty lazy and don’t do much, but they don’t cause drama and are nice, so they get to stay.

I finish helping Grayson with breakfast, and we all eat before heading to church. We sit down and get started talking over the charity run and how many booths we will have and which businesses we will promote, and I go over the route I’m planning for our ride after.

“Alright, so now that that is mostly sorted, I wanted to talk to everyone about the club property. As you all know, I want us to create a community here. My house is done, so I’d like to know who’s next,” Rage says.

Stone raises his hand. We all are a little shocked by that. I can tell by everyone’s faces, but no one says anything.

Rage nods. “Alright. We can get a plan started for a house. You’ll need to think about a spot and then we all vote on the spot you want. Sound good?”

“Sounds good, boss,” Stone says.

“Ya know, we could look into gettin’ our construction business up and runnin’,” Sugar suggests.

I nod. “That’s not a bad idea. We could see if we can find people who work construction and maybe want to join the club. We could—”

Before I can say anymore, there is a commotion outside the door before it bangs open. We all jump up ready for whoever it is, since everyone around here knows you don’t disturb church and a prospect should be watching the door to make sure no one does.

Raven bursts in, looking distraught and terrified. She glances out into the hall and then winces before looking back at us… at me. “Uh, sorry, but he wouldn’t let me in. So I kinda knocked him out.” She shrugs.

Rage steps forward. “There is a reason for that. You don’t disrupt church,” he says with underlying anger.

“Right, and I’m sorry, but this is important.” She looks at me again. “We need to talk. Now.”

I gesture to an empty chair as we all sit again, but she stays standing. That’s when I notice she’s shaking slightly and doesn’t have her normal happy-go-lucky bounce. Something inside me aches.Something is wrong.

“What’s going on?” I demand.

“I was supposed to go to Presley’s today, so I did. But when I got there, her door was unlocked. Which was weird. It’s always locked. So I went in, and she didn’t answer me calling out to her. And then—” Tears start rolling down her cheeks, and she tries to stop them.

I stand and fist my hands at my sides, my anger pulsing under my skin. I need to know what’s going on. Now. “What, Raven? Spit it out!”

She clears her throat. “There was a chair… in the middle of the room with ropes… and blood…” Her voice cracks. “So much blood… She’s not there.” She breaks down in sobs, her body shaking uncontrollably. “She’s not there. But it looks bad. I didn’t know where to go or who to call,” she gasps out.

I immediately take off out of the room, needing to get to her apartment. My legs moving with a mind of their own as I am already up the stairs and sprinting out the door. My heart pounds against my chest; I hear my brothers right behind me as I climb onto my bike. On the way there, I try calling her, but it goes straight to voicemail.

When I pull up to her apartment, I head straight up the stairs. Before I get all the way up, I hear someone calling out. I turn and see an older lady walking towards us. No fear in her gaze as she stares down six angry bikers.

“Are y’all here for the Presley girl?”

“Yes, ma’am, we are,” I say.

“She’s at the hospital. Was taken there early this mornin’. We heard bangin’ really loud. It woke us up, and it wouldn’t stop, so we called the cops. No idea what happened, but they rushed her out of there real fast.”

I race up the stairs as I hear Sugar thanking her. I go into her apartment and freeze. My blood runs cold. My knees go weak. I feel like I could collapse on the spot. The chair in the middle of the room has bloody ropes all around it. There is blood on the seat and blood all over the hardwood floor.

I just stand there staring. Not able to move or pull my eyes away. A hand lands on my shoulder, and I immediately turn around and pin them to the wall with a hand wrapped around their throat.

I back off instantly when I see it’s just Rage. “Sorry,” I grunt and run a hand through my hair.