She sighs again. “Alright, this isn’t—I’m not good… Jesus Christ! I feel insane because I’ve known you for so little time but yet you set me on fire in all the right ways, and I never even felt this way with my husband who I was with for years. Not to mention, I left him three months ago. How can I move on so fast? And I’m pregnant! With his child. How can I fall in love with someone so insanely fast with all this other stuff happening? I’m crazy.”
Her eyes go wide realizing she just word vomited. I chuckle and run a hand through my beard, watching as her eyes follow the movement and she bites her lip.
I cup her cheeks and bring our faces close together. “You’re not crazy, angel.” I take a breath. “Well, you might be. But if you are, then I am, too. Which I can deal with. The question is, can you?”
She searches my eyes before asking, “What do you mean?”
“Can you accept the crazy? Can you let go of all of life’s stereotypes and rules they set for us? I know you lived a different life before this. Can you truly let go of it the way you want to? I can accept you for all you are. Including your baby.Our baby.I’ll love and cherish it as much as I will you. I’m all in. It’s crazy, and It’s fast, but I don’t give a fuck. I know what I want and it’s you. It’s the perfect angel in front of me I knew would be mine the first day I met her.”
I just needed to pull my head out of my ass first. Not that I have yet, but I’m getting there.
I watch as tears track down her cheeks, and she smiles at me. “Yes. Yes, I can. But I need something from you.” Her expression turns serious.
“Anything, angel.”
“I need you to help me let go of the past. I want to. This is the life I want. I feel real here. This is where I’m meant to be. I know that. But I was raised a certain way, and sometimes it’s hard to see past those blinders that get put on from a young age.”
I nod. “Of course I can do that.”
She leans in and kisses me softly before pulling back, “Then yes. A million times, yes, I want you. I want to do this with you. I’m terrified, but I know somewhere deep down that this is right and I’m grabbing hold of it and yanking it to the surface because I pretended to love my life for years without even realizing what I was doing, and I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to just be me. I want to be me, with you right next to me and this sweet, sweet baby.”
I smile at her and kiss her hard and deep. But before we get far, Raven comes over and plops down next to Presley.
“Hey, mama. You doing okay?”
“I’m good. What do you want to do?” Presley asks, glancing over at the guy watching Raven from the bar.
Raven smiles. “He invited me over. But I will stay with you if—”
Before she can finish, Presley is shaking her head. “Go. I’m good. I promise. Come over tomorrow though, okay?”
Raven nods enthusiastically and hugs Presley before leaving. “I love you, daddy!” she yells as she walks away backwards. Presley flushes with embarrassment and covers her face with her hands, shaking her head.
“Daddy?” I ask with a head tilt.
She glances up at me, and I see the mirth in her eyes. “Raven decided I’m her daddy. Problem?”
I smirk. I love seeing her get confident and want to be herself. I think she tries to cover it up a lot of the time like she’s worried about people’s reactions.
“No. But if she can call you daddy, I think you should call me sir.”
“Where did you get that logic?” She giggles. The sound setting my insides on fire; I want to hear it every day.
I shrug and drink my beer.
“Alright, sir,” she says.
I choke on my drink, hearing that coming out of her mouth. It does something to me I did not expect. Apparently, my cock likes the sound of that.
I look over at her and see the raw lust in her eyes that I’m sure is also shining in mine. I hook my arm around her waist and pull her up so she’s straddling me. Her dress flaring around our legs, her panty-covered pussy resting right over my cock.
I kiss her, demanding entrance to her mouth with my tongue. She easily opens for me, sinking into my body as we kiss. I feel her hands running up and down my back and into my hair, where she tugs, causing me to release a growl. She smirks against my lips, so I pull my hand back from her thigh and give a light slap on her ass.
She jumps, and her eyes fly open. But not with anger or fear… No, my angel liked that.
“Careful, angel. You’re playing with fire,” I say in her ear as I nibble on it, moving down and sucking on her neck lightly. She softly moans, and her hips buck forward, grinding against my hard bulge. She shudders against me.
I work my way back up to her lips, kissing her jaw as I go. I stare into her eyes as I grab her ass with both hands and help her grind against me. “Show me how beautiful you look when you come.”