We finish getting ready and look ourselves over in the mirror.

She whistles. “Damn, we look hot. Are you ready?”

I nod and feel a huge smile come over my face. I look fucking amazing.

We take my car since I can’t drink, so I’m fine to drive us. Raven gives me directions to a nightclub. When we pull up, I see the bikes out front and then the Dirty Sinner on the large Neon sign above the double doors of the huge two-story building.

I glance over at Raven, who is bouncing in her seat with a huge grin. “The club owns this, don’t they?”

She nods. “Yes, but Axe shouldn’t be here tonight. This is the safest place to party around here. Especially since they know us, so they will keep an eye on us. It’ll be fun. I promise!”

“Alright. I’m trusting you when you say he isn’t going to be here. This is supposed to be a carefree night. I’m not ready to dive into all that happened today yet.”

“I know. I get it. Let’s go have some fun, mama!”

We get out and head towards the front. There is a line tonight, but it’s not too long. Probably fifteen people. Before I can head towards the end of it, Raven grabs my hand and leads to where the bouncer is by the door. I look at her, confused, but she just winks at me.

“Raven.” The giant, burly dude nods at her.

“Hey, I brought Presley tonight. She’s my guest, but she's also on the list now too.”

The man looks over the list and then nods, opening the door for us. We walk in and it’s insanely loud, so I pull Raven close from the hand she’s still holding to yell in her ear.

“I’m on the list?”

“Yes! Working for the club anywhere gets you access to any club business.”

We head over to the bar, and Raven orders a drink while I get water. “I think I need shots tonight,” she says.

I raise a brow but shrug. “Whatever you want. I’m driving, so you’re good. I’m kinda curious to see drunk Raven.”

She cackles. “You’ll regret saying that in an hour.”

I merely smile and shake my head at her.

After she downs a few shots and I drink a glass of water, she grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. Almost as if it’s timed perfectly, ‘Miss Misbehave by Diverse’ starts playing, and we face each other while singing the lyrics and dancing together. Smiling and laughing the whole time.

I notice a guy out of the corner of my eye, but when I look closer, I see it’s Blade, another club guy I met at the diner. He watches us for a moment before he sees me looking. He winks and then pulls out his phone. I get distracted by Raven getting my attention, and I shake off the weird feeling and go back to allowing myself a freedom I’ve never had before. Dancing like this or going to a club would be extremely frowned upon in my normal life. My old life.

We dance for a while and then take a break to head back towards the bar. Raven orders more shots while I down another glass of water. I turn around to look at the club more while Raven flirts with a guy next to us.

Something catches my eye by the door, and when I look over, I freeze. My eyes go wide, a mix of shock and desire twisting in my gut.

I’ll never get over how Axe makes my entire body tingle by just walking into the same room as me. He scans the room, and his eyes land on mine. We just stare for what feels like an eternity before a chuckle sounds next to me. I break eye contact and look over at Raven, seeing her eyes sparkling with mischief.

She leans in to talk in my ear, “I’d say I’m sorry, because I really didn’t think he’d be here tonight. But what I just saw? Yeah, I’m not sorry. Pres, watching you guys eye-fuck just made me all hot and bothered.” My mouth drops open, but before I can get anything out, she grabs my hand and pulls me back out to the dance floor. She tugs me against her and leans close to my ear. “Let’s give him a show, shall we?”

My gut reaction isno way. But something about this idea makes me feel sexy as hell and sends tingles through my entire body. So instead of saying no, I nod and grin. She mirrors my facial expression and spins us around so my back is to her front and we start moving to the song, ‘The Hills Remix by The Weekend and Nicki Minaj’.

I glance to my left, and my eyes immediately lock on Axe’s, who is already staring right at me with his beer halfway to his mouth.

I feel a smirk form on my lips and decide to let myself go. Forgetting about everything and having fun. Dancing with Raven as if no one else is around us. It’s freeing and makes me feel like a new Presley; sexy and real. Things can only go up from here.

Chapter Ten

Axe (Jackson)

IwatchasRavensees me and smirks before leaning down to talk in Presley’s ear. She then grabs Presley’s hand, and they head towards the dance floor, so I make my way to the club’s reserved table. I pass a grinning Blade and roll my eyes. Stone and I take a seat and nod to the few other brothers that are here tonight.