I stare down at my phone, confused.

Me: What does that mean?

Me: Blade?

He doesn’t answer after a few more minutes. I’m antsy as my leg bounces, so I text him again.

Me: This better be good, you fucker. I hate your games.

Me: Seriously? You're not going to answer now? Why did you ask about Presley?

I sigh and drop my phone in my lap, running my hands through my hair.

Stone glances over at me. “What’s up?”

I show him the texts and he grunts, “Let’s go.”

“Seriously? You don’t just think it’s Blade being… Blade?”

He shrugs. “I mean, we’re not doing anything else. Let’s ride.”

We get up and leave, riding over to the nightclub. Once we go in, I look around to see where Blade is, but like every time I see Presley, my eyes immediately zone in on her. Holy shit. My angel. Looking like a goddamn fallen angel. Staring right at me.

And, like usual, I get lost in her eyes. As if we are the only two in the room and there isn’t a crowd full of people between us.

The club is packed full of people, but I still don’t see any of them as I stare straight over their heads at her. When you first walk into the club, you are slightly higher than the main dance floor, which sits down a few steps, so I can easily see straight across the low lit room to my angel.

Stone is right. I’m in love. Fuck.

Chapter Nine



I nod from where I’m sprawled out on my bed. Raven is currently going through my closet.

I caved and decided to suck it up and go out with her tonight. I need to give my mind a break before the overthinking and anxiety set in about today. Especially before I go dumping everything else on Raven about what has really been happening.

So, I just filled Raven in on everything that happened with Axe today and decided that Ben can wait until tomorrow. Then I will deal with that and talk to Raven about it.

“You got all hot and bothered by a simple kiss? You were so worried about him finding out, and he finds out and not only kisses you after finding out you're pregnant, but kisses your vomit mouth.” She fake gags.

I shoot up in bed and let out a screech. “Oh. My. God. That’s so bad! I was so distracted by him and all his, I don’t know, Axe-ness? I didn’t even think about that! That’s so disgusting. I think I’m going to be sick.”

Raven cackles like a maniac as she walks over to me. “Calm down. I don’t think he was bothered. Especially considering what he said after. It’ll be okay.”


“Nope!” She shoves clothes at me. “Change! I want to do your hair and then we—sorryI—will be taking pre-shots to prepare myself for another night of loneliness and you are going to let loose, dance with me, and have a fantastic night. We can continue this conversation tomorrow.”

I roll my eyes. “Rave, you're coming home with me. You won’t be lonely, and you're not bringing a man back here, so no reason to pout.”

“That’s true, but I get to whine, anyway. Pres, I like men. Hell, I even tried women. But I need dicks, unfortunately.” She sticks her tongue out, causing me to laugh. “I just love sex. I have a high sex drive. I have since I was like, sixteen. So, this shit luck I’ve been having lately is killing me. I’ve had to take a trip to a sex store to stock up so I can take care of myself. It’s ridiculous!” she groans and drops onto the bed.

I try to push her off, but she won’t budge. “Hey! Get up, I need to change.”

She lifts her head and raises a brow at me.