Mom lets out a loud cackle. “In your dreams, boy.”

Blade shrugs. “You didn’t deny it.”

We talk for a few more minutes, with Mom filling us all in on her adventures. I love my mom more than anything, so to hear how much fun she’s having calms me slightly. I hate having her so far away. How can I protect her when she is that far away? Although, she always insists she doesn’t need protection.

“Alright, I’d best get going now. Be good, all of you. Love you, boys. Love and hugs.”

“Bye, Mama!” Blade and I say at the same time as Stone adds, “Bye, Aggie.”

We end the call, and Blade looks between Stone and me.

“What’s up?” I ask, raising a brow at the serious expression on Blade’s face.

“Did you know our brother Stone here is now a stalker?”

I shake my head with a snort. “Yeah, I know. Leave it alone, Blade. Don’t go poking the bear.”

Blade cackles. “Have you both gotten shot with a cupid’s bow or some shit?” I raise my brows at him. “Oh, don’t give me that. I heard about your little caveman act the other day.” He says in a mocking tone, “She’s off limits! Off Limits! I mean it! Got this one over here stalking a girl, and you are marking your territory on another. Keep whatever you got poisoned with away from me.”

Stone slaps him upside the head as I say, “Someday you’ll fall in love and understand.”

Blade looks at me like I just said I was going to kill him and gets up before leaving. Quickly.

“You love her?” Stone asks.

I glance at my brother, who usually doesn’t talk very much. I don’t know how to answer that, because if I speak it out loud, I’ll sound insane.

I don’t even know anything about this girl. But I know without a doubt nothing would turn me off from her. I want her. Ineedher. I’ll give her time and be patient for now, but she will be mine. Fuck, I’ll go deal with her husband myself if that is what’s stopping her. Presley Wyatts is fucking mine.

I know Stone understands because he nods and walks away.

Chapter Seven


I’vebeenworkingatthe shop for about three weeks now. I honestly love it. I’ve made so much progress, and I love seeing Axe’s reaction every time I show him something new I did. The guys that work there all give me space and stay away, although I have a feeling that has to do with Axe. I can’t complain, though, because I love being around him. He brings out a side to me I didn’t even know existed. It’s like I’m finding this person within me that’s more lighthearted and carefree yet also giddy like a high school girl who gets to see her crush.

It doesn’t help that any day I slightly feel off, Axe shows up that night at my apartment and stays with me. He never asks for anything or tries to do anything, either. He just stays with me while I sleep.

It’s amazing, and I love it, but at the same time, I feel horrible. He still doesn’t know my biggest secret, and I can’t keep it from him forever, but I also don’t want to lose him. It’s been eating at me more days than not lately.

Raven is worried that my stress is going to skyrocket again, but it’s been staying down, and I think that’s because of Axe. He helps keep me calm. But even thinking about telling him about the baby freaks me out so badly I start to panic again, so I just keep avoiding even thinking about it.So healthy, Presley.

I get pulled from my thoughts as my phone goes off with a text.

Raven: Pleaseeeeeee.

I roll my eyes. She has been texting me all week, wanting me to go out with her tonight. I keep telling her no, but she is being persistent. I stare at my phone, debating what to say. I feel horrible because she really wants me to go, but I just don’t have the energy with working every day and growing a mini human.

Plus, Ben is still leaving notes. He hasn’t done anything besides that so far, which just makes me think that this is just a game to him. The longer it goes on, the less scary it becomes.

He mostly just tells me how much he hates my job. I hate that he has someone watching me, but I don’t have a way to control that. I found an attorney online and have been in contact with them about moving along with a divorce, but it’s slow going because I keep hesitating. I get really anxious and feel another anxiety attack working its way up whenever I think about it.

I think it’s mostly because I loved him for so many years and if I do this, we are really over. There will be no more Ben and Presley. But every time I start to get sad about that, I find another note on my door and remember that he isn’t the same person he used to be, and I left for a reason. I know I should just fill Raven in on everything that has been happening and let her help me. Especially help me emotionally so I don’t end up in the hospital again because my sweetling comes first.

I take a deep breath and try to decide how to tell her I am not up for going out tonight, but I need to talk to her soon. I’m so focused on it that I don’t hear Axe come into the office until he drops papers on the desk. My phone goes flying from my hands as an embarrassing squeak comes out of me.

I push back from the desk to look up and see Axe smothering a laugh. I scowl at him as he picks my phone up from where it landed on the floor and places it on the desk.