I snatch my phone off the toolbox it’s sitting on, not even bothering to check who it is. “What the fuck do you want?”

“I heard you were bein’ an asshole today, but boy, what’s got your panties in such a bunch?” Sugar chuckles on the other end of the line.

“None of your fucking business.”

“Really? It ain’t got nothin’ to do with your little angel who wasn’t at work today?”

I grunt, “Everyone in this town is a fucking gossip.”

“You already knew that. Look, we are headin’ over to the diner. Pull your wedgy out your ass and meet us there.” He hangs up before I can respond.

I toss my phone back on the toolbox and sigh, scrubbing my hands down my face. Why the fuck am I acting like this? It shouldn’t even matter. None of it should. No matter how much I tell myself I don’t or won’t care, I do. It’s pissing me off.

Fuck this. I will just go to the diner and then head over to her apartment after. I have her address. She lives a few minutes away from it. She can speak to me then. I want fucking answers.I want her.

I wrap up what I was doing and clean up before heading out to my bike to drive over to the diner. When I get there, I see my brothers right away, all their bikes lined up in a row outside the diner and them standing around talking. Everyone wears their cuts with our patch, which is a red skull on top of bike handles with Sons of Silence written under it. Everyone has their road name on the backs too above the patch, and on the front, it says our ranking.

“Hey, grumpy, thanks for making me lose the bet,” Blade says as I dismount my bike.

I cut him a look. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“We all made a bet on whether you would actually show up.”

As we walk into the diner we own, I shake my head and stalk past Blade. “I’m not staying long. I want to go check on Presley tonight.”

Not everyone came this evening, but a few members along with, Blade, Sugar, and Rage. The diner is pretty small. When you come in, there are booths lining both walls with three tables in the middle and a counter at the opposite end with three bar stools. The door behind the counter leads to a kitchen, bathroom, and storage room. We don’t even have space for a breakroom in here. It’s small.

When we first bought it, we all had to take turns running it since we didn’t have one person to do it, but it was too good of an investment for the club to pass up. But then Raven started about nine months ago and came in like a wrecking ball in the best way. She took charge, and it didn’t take us long before we were voting on letting her run the place.

Now it does even better than before, being one of our highest incomes for the club. We have thought about expanding but haven’t looked too much into it yet. It’s something we’d want to include Raven in, but she doesn’t know that yet. We are trying to figure out what she wants to do with her future first.

Speaking of, the bright ass pink-haired woman comes around from the kitchen and spots us, giving us a huge grin. Raven is like a sister to all of us and always lights up a room when she walks in it.

“Hey, you ugly mugs! What are you guys doing here? Usually, you don’t come in until the weekend.”

As I watch her interact with my brothers, laughing and messing with each other, I can’t help but notice the bags under her eyes. She looks exhausted, and her peppiness is very much fake today.

We all place our regular orders before Raven heads back towards the kitchen. I go to open my mouth, but before I can, Rage does, “Anyone know what’s going on with her? Why were we getting the fake happiness? She looks exhausted. Are we working her too much?”

“I just approved all the diner hours with Nerds last week. She wasn’t overworking. She does overtime, but she always asks to,” Sugar replies with a shrug.

Rage nods. “Just keep an eye on her.”

“So, you’re going to go see Presley tonight? Can’t let her have one day away from your sorry ass?”

Sugar, who is sitting next to Blade, slaps the back of his head. “Really?” he drawls.

“I just want to make sure she is okay. There is nothing more to it,” I grumble, hoping they move on. I love my brothers, but shit, they are full of gossip.

“Did she say why she was gone today?”

I glance at Rage. “No. She just texted and said she wasn’t feeling well and needed the day off.” As I finish talking, Raven comes back out with the start of our orders.

“Did you text or try to call her?” Rage asks.


Rage chuckles, “Why the hell not?”