I smile. “Fuck him!” I say a little too loud and to my mortification, the door opens, and a nurse walks in.
“I don’t know who we’re talking about, but yes, fuck him!” she shouts, and we all start laughing.
A few hours later, it’s almost ten at night, and Raven is driving me home. They let me go with a promise that I will go see my normal doctor next week. While we waited, Raven wanted me to call in sick tomorrow. I told her no but ended up caving when the doctor threatened to hold me overnight. I didn’t have it in me to call him, so I just texted him and left it at that.
Raven wanted me to call Axe to explain and let him help me, but in no way am I ready for that. I may be ready to try and let go of Ben and move forward, but that doesn’t mean I am ready to spill all my secrets to Axe. He’d run far away if I did.
I ended up snapping at Raven and then crying, feeling horrible for having yelled at her. So now we are heading home in silence. She promised me she isn’t mad at me, but I still feel guilty anyway. She has done so much for me, and I repay her by yelling at her. When we arrive at my apartment, Raven comes upstairs with me.
“Hey, what’s this?” She grabs an envelope that was taped to my door. I snatch it from her hand and see my name on it, automatically recognizing the handwriting.
“It’s nothing. Just my neighbor leaving me a note.”
As soon as we get inside, I see the vomit and toss the envelope in a kitchen drawer before grabbing cleaning supplies to start scrubbing the floor. I faintly hear Raven telling me she can do it, but I just keep cleaning, not saying anything. I can’t think about all of this shit right now. I need a distraction.
A few minutes later, she grabs my arm that has been scrubbing way more than necessary and I look over at her. “What?” I snap.
“You got it all. It’s cleaned up. Why don’t you take a shower, and I will make something light to eat?”
“You don’t have to stay, Raven. I think I got it. I can manage on my own.”
I drop the sponge on the ground and get up, heading to my bathroom and shutting the door a little harder than I mean to. I have no idea what has gotten into me. There is this unknown feeling of rage coursing through me, and it’s making me snap at Raven when she doesn’t deserve it. I take some deep breaths and then take a long shower, trying to focus on calming myself down, which just leads to crying and feeling even more guilty.
After I shower and change, I head out to the kitchen to find something to eat, assuming Raven left, but instead I find her at the stove making soup. “Rave?” I just got myself to stop crying and this sight alone brings more tears to my eyes.
She turns around and looks at me, her eyes softening. “Oh, mama.” She walks over to me and hugs me tightly. “It’s alright. You are overwhelmed and a lot of shit is happening to you. Adding on pregnancy hormones, and I don’t envy you. Yell at me all you want. I am not going anywhere.”
I sob into her shoulder, feeling more loved and reassured than I think I ever have. She sets me up on the couch and tells me not to move while she finishes getting the soup ready. After we eat and Raven decides to just stay the night, we head to bed. I don’t let her sleep on the couch, making her come share my bed with me.
“I can’t wait to meet your little one,” she whispers into the silence.
“Me either.” I smile as I rub my belly.
“I don’t have any siblings, so I will never get to have nieces or nephews. This little one is going to be spoiled by their Aunty Rave.”
“I’m sure you’ll be assisting them to do everything Mom says no to.”
“Of course. Hair dying? Got you. Beat up a kid that was mean? I’m your partner in crime. Wanna get a tattoo? I won’t tell.”
I gasp, “Raven! No tattoos.”
She laughs. “Don’t worry, I won’t suggest it until they are at least fifteen, and like I said, I won’t tell.”
I sigh and shake my head but find myself smiling at the thought of Raven being in my life for years to come. She is turning into the sister I didn’t know I needed.
Chapter Six
Axe (Jackson)
Presleycalledinsicktoday. Well, she texted me and said she isn’t feeling well and needed to take the day off. She also said she would stay late the rest of the week to make up for today.
I rolled my eyes at that. As if I will let her stay late. She already has done so much in just one day.
I’ve spent the entire day working at the shop. None of the guys talked to me. I'm assuming that's because I was stomping around pissy all day. I don’t like not knowing what's going on. Everything was fine, and I am having to stop myself from driving to her apartment and demanding she tells me what's wrong.
Since when the fuck do I chase women?It’s not women. It’s Presley. I can’t get her out of my fucking head.
Trying to concentrate on the bike tire I have been fixing for a client, my phone starts ringing again. It’s not the first time. It’s gone off quite a few times, but besides a quick glance to make sure it’s not Presley, I have ignored it. But now I am even more pissed off than I have been all day. The part for a bike I needed didn’t come in today, and I couldn’t find the documentation for it because I didn’t want to disturb all the work Presley has done so far. I almost called her to ask about it just to use it as an excuse to check on her since she didn’t come in today.