“Okay,” she mumbles.
I walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me and heading down to my office. I need an heir. I need my doll to be raising my child while everything else is going on. I need someone I can raise like me and take over one day.
Things are slowly falling into place.
Four Months Ago
This is fine. You can do this. It won’t be so bad. This is what he wanted.
The more you repeat it to yourself, the truer it is. At least, that's what I tell myself. I clutch my small carry-on tighter, knowing that inside of it is a positive pregnancy test. Finally, after three years of trying and failing, I am pregnant.
My husband has been getting more and more upset with me as time went on that I wasn't. It shouldn't surprise me that the second he leaves for a business trip I finally get a positive test.
It feels like our relationship has been so strained lately that this is the good news we need to get back on track. I know he has been stressed out with work. A few months ago, everything changed when his dad stepped down from the family law firm. Ben didn’t take it over because he was already opening his own, but I know he had to take on some harsher clients from his dad.
Ben didn’t tell me that, of course, but sometimes when he has late night calls, I will pretend to sleep and listen to them. Curiosity and boredom, I guess. I haven’t worked a job in three years. Even with a business degree, I took a step back when I was failing to get pregnant. The depression hit hard, and I struggled getting out of bed at first.
Then Ben came home one night upset and said that I was making him miserable by being in this funk and not trying harder, so I got up and saw doctors and did everything I could to make him happy. He is the love of my life, and I couldn’t do this without him. I never want to upset him.
Which is why now, instead of calling him, I am waiting to board a flight to go and see him to share the news. I know he has been stressed with work and things not going his way. He doesn’t give me any details, but I can see the burden of everything plain on his face when he comes home. And now he is in Montana meeting with some people that help his firm and whatever else is going on.
“Now boarding for Flight 048. Now boarding for Flight 048.”
The butterflies in my stomach intensify. I don’t know if this fluttering feeling will ever go away. I jump up out of the uncomfortable seat where I’ve been waiting for my flight. I have to stop and breathe, realizing my eagerness is making other people look at me like I am crazy.
I shouldn’t care, and part of me doesn’t. Especially right now. But I also have severe anxiety and know that I can easily send myself into an attack, so I need to be careful.
I board the flight and find my seat. When I booked this flight last night, I was lucky enough that the one seat left was a window seat; I hate being in the aisle. Especially when I fly alone, which I am right now. I usually don’t travel without Ben, but I really want to conquer this and surprise him.
As nervous as I am to tell him, I am also beyond excited because this is going to make our relationship so much better now. This is what we needed.
The lady sitting next to me rests her hand on my arm, and I glance over at her. She is older, probably in her late fifties. She smiles kindly at me. “You are positively glowing, my dear. It’s so wonderful to see. You remind me of my daughter. She passed away about ten years ago, and sometimes I see reminders of her. I think it’s her telling me she’s here and she’s okay. Today, you seem to be my reminder, so thank you.”
I feel my eyes water. “Oh my, I am so sorry you lost her. I could not imagine the pain you are suffering.” My hand unconsciously goes to my tummy.
She follows it and smiles even bigger.
“Oh, my goodness!” she squeals, causing others to look at us. I blush and duck my head. “No wonder you’re glowing. How far along are you?”
“Not long. I just found out yesterday. So probably about five or six weeks.”
She beams at me. We spend the entire flight talking. I somehow feel extremely comfortable around her and end up spilling my story of the last few years. She looks at me with such understanding and sympathy, it makes my heart ache. I can’t help but wish my own parents were around for this.
The lady from the plane, Agnes, hugs me when we get off and wishes me luck, telling me everything will work out how it’s meant to. I certainly hope she’s right.
Waving goodbye, I head outside to flag down a taxi. I only had a carry-on since I don’t plan to stay long. I don’t want to interrupt his trip too much, but I have to tell him—at least in person.
When the taxi pulls up, I give the driver the name of the hotel I know Ben is staying at. When we arrive, I get out, my stomach fluttering with so many nerves and excitement.
I can’t believe I finally get to share this news with Ben. Pregnant. We are having a baby. After three agonizing years, finally our dream is coming true.
I head inside and walk towards the front desk. This hotel is beautiful, which comes as no surprise. We live a life of luxury, and there’s nothing to spare when it comes to the nicest things. I don’t always appreciate that sentiment, but I’ve had to get used to it. The lady at the desk gives me a warm smile.
“Hi!” I grin. “My husband has a room here, and I wanted to surprise him. His name is Benjamin Wyatts. It’s room 816.”
The front desk receptionist, whose name tag reads Bella, beams at me. “That’s so sweet, dear. Let me double check that’s correct.” After typing for a minute, she nods. “Yes, room 816. I’m not supposed to do this, but I’m going to give you a key card.”