Seeing a little boy get hurt tonight brought up things I don’t like to think about. As I feel the amazing peace that comes with riding at night, I also find myself picturing an angel’s face in my mind. On the back of my bike, laughing, holding onto me and enjoying this peace as much as I do.Fuck.

Chapter Three


It’sbeenacoupleof days since I got offered the job at the bike shop. I felt delusional that whole day. From the crazy lady at the bakery to having an anxiety attack in the road, to then meeting the men from an MC and getting offered a job. It feels like none of it was real. But yet I find myself giddy over the fact that I finally have a job. Plus, if it’s as bad as Axe said it is, then I’ll have an extensive project that will be a huge distraction from my wayward thoughts.

Speaking of Axe, holy crap. He has not left my mind once since I met him. He is insanely hot, and I don’t know how I am going to manage working with him without destroying many pairs of panties.

If my past self could see me now, she probably wouldn’t even believe me. My picture-perfect life in extravagant houses, nice neighborhoods, fancy dinners, the perfect marriage. All wiped away for a two-bedroom apartment in a smaller town and now soon to be working for a custom bike shop run by an MC. Oh, and don’t forget my crush on a ruggedly handsome biker.

I know I am going to have to tell them I’m pregnant, but I’m hoping to show my business degree skills first so maybe they will want to keep me around even with a baby on the way and being a single mother. My bump is showing more and more every day, but luckily, I can still cover it up. The only person around here that knows I am pregnant is Raven. She asked me to get drinks a month ago, and I had to turn her down.

Since I’m thinking about Raven, it reminds me I need my burger fix this Saturday evening, so I am getting dressed to head over to the diner.

I have done nothing today. Just being lazy and doing some light cleaning since I start working Monday. Once I finish making myself look half decent, I head downstairs to walk over to the diner. When I open my door, a note falls to the ground. Knowing what it is, I sigh, picking it up. It has no return address, just my name on it. I open it, and a picture of me walking around town comes out. Written on the back in red sharpie,hisfavorite sharpie,

Making friends with bikers, Presley? I thought I taught you better than that. Don’t forget, you’re mine, doll.

A slight shiver runs down my spine as I read it. Every once in a while, I forget the deal we made. That I have the duration of the pregnancy to get past catching him cheating and him hurting me. He promised he wouldn’t ever do it again, but I was so scared at the time that I blackmailed him, and this is the deal we came to. But I don’t want to go back. I am finding my own path here, and I want to stay.

I want a divorce, and there is nothing that Ben can do to force me back. I already left. So what can he do? I try to shake off the fear that seems to radiate through me and start walking. No matter how much I try to push away his latest note, I can’t help but glance around for someone who is watching me.

When I reach the diner, it’s empty besides one older couple up towards the front.

Raven sees me and squeals, coming over and hugging me. “Hey, sexy mama, I’ve missed you. How are you?”

I laugh and hug her back. “It’s been three days, Raven. It’s not that long.”

She scoffs, “Three days is too long, Pres. Grab your table. Want your usual? I have news to tell you!” she says as she dances away from me, not even giving me a chance to answer.

I always find myself happy and relaxed around her. Raven is definitely becoming one of my favorite people. I hope she stays a good friend.

I take a seat and relax, looking out the window. Raven comes back with lemon water for me. One of my biggest cravings lately has been lemons. I don’t even really like lemons, so it’s odd. She plops down across from me.

“Okay so, remember the last date I told you about?” she asks, and I nod. Her last date bailed on her and said it’s not worth the risk, and we do not know why he said that. “Well, I planned a date for yesterday, and it was with a guy I went to school with, so I figured he isn’t going to bail on me. He didn’t. But he was a douche the whole date and at the end he was like, well? And I asked what? Pres, he wanted me to suck him off for the date! He said it’s fair payment for the risk he took. I have no idea what that means, but I got out of his car and left. I seriously think I am doomed to be alone forever.” Her shoulders sag. She is always happy, but I can tell this is starting to bother her. This is the fifth time something like this has happened.

I frown. “I am so sorry, Raven. I don’t get why men do that. They are garbage. Actually, they aren’t even men. They are boys who don’t deserve a woman like you.”

Raven smiles. “You’re right. They’re just boys with shrimp dicks. Maybe it’s time for me to just take a break from dating.”

I shrug. “Maybe. But don’t give up hope. The right one will come along when it’s time.”

“True, true. Okay, so what’s new with you? Fill me in before more customers come in!” she says while bouncing in her seat.

I can’t help the smile that rises to my lips. “I got a job!”

Her eyes go wide before she jumps up and throws her arms in the air with a loud whoop! Causing the one other couple to look our way. “Raven! Sit down. Shhh.”

She rolls her eyes at me and plops back down in the seat. “Where? When do you start? I am so glad you finally found something!”

“The custom bike shop nearby. It’s called—”

Her words come firing out one right after another, “Custom Sons! I know it! It’s owned by the Sons of Silence MC. They own this diner too! They are kind and so nice. It’ll be good working there. What will you be doing? Did you tell them you’re pregnant?”

“Slow your roll, Rave, maybe lay off the coffee.” She just rolls her eyes at me again. “I start Monday, and I’ll be the receptionist and help them with paperwork. I guess the last girl did a horrible job.”

Raven snorts. “Yeah, she probably did. Most women only get a job there for the eye candy or try to work their way into the club somehow. It’s fucked up, and I feel bad they can’t ever find someone. I offered to help over there before, but they let me run the diner, so I’m needed here most days.”