Church starts, and we go over each business we have from a diner, a bike shop, two nightclubs, a bar, and a junkyard. We want to expand, but it takes time to do that. Especially when we are trying to keep our businesses completely legal.

We get to the bike shop, and that’s all me.

“Everything is looking as good as it can be. Since we fired Anna, there have been some setbacks, but our regulars are keeping us in business. We are hoping to hire someone new to get us in order so we can start bringing in new business. And we found someone who is interested. Nerds?” I look over at him, knowing he would have already run a background check on her.

“I ran a check on her. Presley Ann Wyatts. Her maiden name is Johnson. It looks like she has been trying to file for divorce, so I am guessing moving here is her new start or something. I couldn’t find anything bad on them or her family, so no reason to assume she is in danger.”

“She’s hidin’ somethin’,” Sugar says, voicing exactly what I was thinking. But married? Man, I can’t get involved with her now, which is not going to go over well with my dick.

“Well, everything looks clean on my end. But I can dig more?” Nerds asks.

“No.” It comes out much harsher than I mean it to, but everyone looks at me with raised brows. “I just mean, let’s leave her be. We can keep an eye on her if she works for me, but I don’t want to invade her privacy.”

Nerds chuckles, “Man, prez told me you had a crush, but I didn’t think it was that intense.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Blade jumps in next, “You are always one of the first ones to want more information on someone. For you to say it’s invading her privacy, you care about this chick.”

I feel my anger rising, and I don’t even know why. Rage cuts everyone off and asks for a vote on whether she can work at the shop or not. Everyone votes yes, which makes me immediately possessive, and it pisses me off that I feel that way.

“She’s off fucking limits,” I seethe. Everyone cracks up laughing, and my anger surges. “I fucking mean it!”

Stone drops a hand on my shoulder.

“We got it, brother. They are just fucking with you.”

I try to calm myself down, but somehow this fucking angel with brown eyes has made herself at home in my mind, and I don’t know how to feel about that. Especially since I know I can’t go down that path. She was married, technically stillismarried. She’s not even divorced yet.

Rage gets us back on track, “Alright, moving on, is everyone who is going tonight ready?” Blade, Stone and I nod. We are taking two other members with us as well for our new job tonight. “Good. If there is nothing else to discuss, then we are done for the night. Be safe. Make sure you report back to Nerds when you get back. He will be up waiting for you.”

Everyone nods, so Rage hits the table. “Dismissed.”

Everyone gets up and starts filling out except for those of us going on the job. We stay to go over the plan one more time.

After Rage took over the club and we started cleaning up things, that really opened our eyes to how bad things were around here. The drug use on the streets was atrocious. Some of the things we saw we can never unsee. Some of these dealers were using little kids to sell and beating the shit out of them if they didn’t succeed. We have now mostly cleaned up the drug issues there were. We still have issues that arise and try to take care of them.

We have been helping anyone who needs help. If they come to us, we will help—no questions asked—as long as there is proof. We have a lot of deadbeat, corrupt cops around here, so they aren’t always helpful, or they try to cover shit up.

So, we step in. Like tonight. We had a mother reach out to us; she has been going through the process of divorcing her husband, and they have a custody agreement, but he has had the kid for three weeks now, and the cops won’t do shit about it because they know the father. So, we are going in and taking the kid back to his mom.

When something like this happens, we try to offer help afterwards, but this time it’s not needed. She has a plan in place; she just needs her son safely back with her first.

After we discuss the plan once more and call the mother to make sure she is ready at the meeting spot, we take off.

I love riding at night. It’s so peaceful and fewer cars are out on the road. We have about a twenty-minute ride, so I get to just enjoy the night air and prepare myself for anything we could be walking into. One of the plus sides to where our clubhouse is located is that we are farther out of town. It takes about ten minutes to get into town and then another five to get to Main Street. But that first ten-minute drive is just woods and the occasional driveway to someone's property.

Everyone out here owns a decent amount of land. We have been on our property longer than I have been alive. If I had to guess, before my father was a part of the club too. The main clubhouse sits on about twenty acres. As we drive, we pass trees on either side of the two-lane road, occasionally passing a car but not often since it’s late at night. The breeze is on the colder side, but it still feels amazing.

Once we are about a block away, we turn our bikes off and park them in a spot Nerds found for us that’s hidden from street view and any cameras. As the road captain, I lead us and come up with the best path, so I had our route here planned. We follow the path that keeps us hidden from the house. When we get there, we see lights on, which is weird because it’s about 9 p.m. and from our scouting of the house, lights were out by 8 p.m. almost every night.

As we get up to the house, Blade tells us to wait and runs up to peek through windows. The two extra brothers we brought with us fan out to keep an eye out for anyone coming to the house. Blade waves Stone and me over to him with a look of fury on his face.

When we peek in the window, I see why. The father is currently slapping the boy and yelling at him. We can just faintly make out him yelling about the house not being clean enough.

My own issues cause me to let my anger take over.

“Mine,” I growl. I walk around the house to the front door and bang on it as hard as I can. No point in hiding now.