
“Everybody listen up!” Dwayne shouts, standing on a kitchen chair. Everyone turns to look at him, me included. “Good morning, y’all. How is everybody feeling? Did y’all get some rest last night?”

A lot of heads bob in answer. I notice that Luna is bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning, already dressed in black jeans and a fancy black top.

She must feel my eyes on her after a second, because she glances at me, a question written on her face. But I just glance away, pretending to give a crap what Dwayne has to say.

“All right,” he calls. “Day one, exercise one. A lot of songwriters work best when they are paired with someone else. Someone not like you. Someone to hear what you’re missing, and vice versa. Okay?”

There’s a burst of chatter in the room. Dee steps forward into the space in the middle, putting two fingers to her mouth and producing a sharp whistle.

“Anyone that wants to talk more than they want to win can go ahead and pack up their stuff and hit the road, mmkay?” She cocks her hip. “That’s not why y’all are here. Remember that.”

I take a sip from my coffee cup, my eyes sliding around to my neighbors. Everyone is perfectly silent, though Mellie pops her gum loudly and stretches.

“Good.” Dee smiles firmly. “Dwayne?”

He picks up a basket from the tops of his feet, lifting it high. “Y’all ready to draw names? Or do you think you can pick your own partners without making a fuss?”

“We can pick our own partners,” Marco says. “Right Sarah?”

Luna runs a nervous hand through her hair, not making eye contact with him. She just shrugs her shoulders and wraps her arms around herself.

A protective urge washes through me. Sarah just looks so small and scared. I can’t stand the way that Marco is staring at her.

“We got it,” I call to Dwayne.

He looks surprised that I spoke up. I’m a little surprised myself.

“All right,” he murmurs. “We’ll see. Remember, part of songwriting is getting along with everybody, even if you feel like you have nothing in common with each other…”

I stand up, grabbing my guitar and my notebooks with one hand and my coffee mug with the other. I can’t help but see that Marco has made a beeline for Sarah.

She’s shrugging him off again, but he’s not taking no for an answer.

“Who else would even be your partner, eh?” He sweeps his gaze around. “Come, with me. I can teach you. You obviously need it.”

“Shut the fuck up, Marco.” I step between Marco and Sarah. “Quit being a sleaze.”

Marco arches a brow, his expression tough as nails. But I have to look down just to see him; he’s miniature and cocky and I don’t fucking like him.

“You want to start something? Huh? You do not want to start with me.” He strides forward, coming toe to toe with me. He grimaces. “You don’t fuck with Marco.”

I watch him, a lopsided grin spreading across my face. “Or what?”

Marco narrows his eyes. “You are about to find out, puta.”

I just arch a brow. “Bring it, little man.”

“Enough!” Dee yells. The sound of her voice makes me jump. I was so wrapped up in what Marco was saying, I wasn’t paying much attention to anything else. Dee crosses her arms. “Marco, you promised Phil that you were going to partner up with him sometime. I would suggest that you go do that.” She narrows her eyes at me. “And Smith, go partner with Sarah. Don’t make me regret inviting you to come here, okay?”

My lips curve upwards. “Yes ma’am.”

I turn to Sarah, trying not to notice how tiny she is. Damn, she only comes up to my shoulder… and she’s wearing heels.

Nope, I am definitely not noticing that. Or the way her eyes keep sinking down to my mouth…

Get a grip, I command myself. That’s not what you are here for.