The depth of her need hit me suddenly. She wants me, needs me to give her pleasure. If she insists on a shower first, it must be important.
“So be it,” I says, rising and leaving her.
I went to the bathroom and turn the shower on full blast, then return to her. Sarah is propped up on her elbows, staring at me with obvious hunger as I knelt beside her on the bed.
“You’ll wait?” she asks, uncertain.
“Not a chance,” I says, giving her a smirk that makes her brows rise.
I is nearly out of my mind with my need for her now. I pull her from the bed, stripping her down, taking my time.
Appreciating every incredible curve, noting the way she shivers as my fingertips trail over her bare skin. I want to know which spots makes her moan, which makes her gasp and writhe with hunger.
I guide her to the bathroom, scooping her up and carrying her into shower. I had to force himself to set her down and pull away from her to adjust all the shower heads to point into one corner. When I am done, I back Sarah into that corner.
Not touching her yet, just enjoying the play of the water on her magnificent body. The swell of each plump breast, the flare of her hips, the scant copper hair at the juncture of her thighs.
She is natural, which turns me on in ways I didn’t understand. She is killing me, every last detail of her so perfectly suited to my tastes, it is almost as if we were…
Destined, I finish in my head, but I push it from my mind.
Right now, there is only Sarah. I need to touch her, taste her.
I can't help but reach down to stroke himself as I drank in the sight of Sarah, her breath coming in pants as she waits for me to make the next move. Water flows off her perfect curves, gleaming wickedly.
I wait, wanting to see the same desperate hunger I felt in her eyes.
She watches me boldly, her eyes traveling down to my chest, my abs, then to my growing arousal.
I could tell that Sarah knew just what she wants, but I wasn’t ready to give it to her yet. I want to tease her with my fingers and tongue until she is on fire for me, to wring every drop of pleasure my mouth could produce until she commands me.
My avenging goddess would never plead, not for anything in the world. She will order me to give her what she wants, and I will fulfill her every wish.
I move forward until my body is only inches from Sarah's, watching her chest rise and fall. She squirms under my gaze, more than ready for my touch.
Reaching out, I brush my fingertips just under her jaw, then drop my hand to caress the sweet curve of her hip.
Sarah watches with wide eyes as I trail my caress upward over her ribcage. Slowly, ever so slowly, I brush my touch over the curve of one breast.
Sarah bit her lip and lean against the wall, watching I with heavy-lidded eyes the color of an afternoon storm. Watching her teeth knead her bottom lip had My imagination running wild, thinking of where he’d like those lips to be next.
When I brush my fingertips up to her hardened nipple, she opens her mouth just enough to let out the first little oh of pleasure.
“Damn,” I murmur. “I love it when you make that sound.”
I can’t help but move closer, I had to run my hands over every inch of her satiny skin. Sarah stretches up on her toes like a cat asking for a scratch, and I slant my mouth over hers in response.
I felt Sarah's small hands at my waist, exploring my hips and then my lower back, urging me on. I gave a low growl and she shivers, moaning into my mouth. my female is asking for more, and more she would get.
Breaking their kiss, I slid my hand under her jaw again and gently tilts her head back to expose the slender white column of her throat. I trail kisses down the soft skin I find there, tasting and teasing. She obliges me by making a series of breathy gasps and writhing under my touch. Smiling, I nip at her neck and shoulder a few times, interspersing the love marks with simple kisses.
Shifting my hands once more to her ribcage, I cup the fullness of her breasts in a slow movement. When Sarah shivers and moans in answer, I ran my large, calloused thumbs over both her nipples. I could feel Sarah's touch growing bolder, her hands clutching at my thighs and hips in search of yet more. She knows what she wants, but I still have a surprise in mind.
I slide to my knees, giving Sarah a devilish grin. She wrinkles her nose at me, but I just smirk and push her flush against the cool tile wall. I ran my hands down her stomach to her hips and lean in to dip my tongue into her navel. She giggles, impertinent, and I nip her hip bone. Before she finishes making one of those sexy noises of hers, my hands are sliding down the outside of her thighs to the knee. I slide my hands back up her inner thighs as she shifts.
“What are you—” Sarah starts to protest, but I just lean in and place a gentle kiss on her mound. She freezes for a second, and I take the opportunity to nuzzle her soft curls, my hands shaping her inner thighs. My thumbs gently part her flesh, and I rub the tip of my nose against her softness, testing.
“Oh— oh,” Sarah breathes, wobbling at the unexpected sensation. I chuckle and remove my nose. Ignoring the shower’s spray, I kiss her once more and then explore her sweetness with my deft tongue. Sarah's hands dig into my wet hair, which only makes me more excited.