He scowls. “That’s all because of drinking. I haven’t had a drink in two weeks. I’m a changed man, I swear.”
I let out a surprised laugh. “I bet that isn’t even true. And if it is, who cares? What’s done is done. You had ten years’ worth of chances to change, Justin. Now it’s too late.”
Justin spits at my feet. “You are a whore. You know that?”
My eyes well up with tears but I push through it. “Then why are you even here?”
“To try to save you from yourself. But I guess I shouldn’t even try. I hope you are super happy when your new man leaves you. He will, once he figures out what a fucking loser you are.”
That really stings. My eyes go to Smith, who is watching us intently through the glass. When I whisper my last words to Justin, my voice is watery and emotional.
“Just go, Justin. Don’t come back.”
He turns and storms off, slamming the back door open so hard that the glass cracks.
Smith rushes outside straight to me. I dissolve into tears just as he reaches me.
Putting his arms around me, he pulls me into a tight hug.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” His voice is more of a rumble than anything else.
I bury my face against his chest, sobbing quietly. Whatever Justin said, whatever ramifications there will be, at least I said my piece to him. At least I am, for this exact moment, a free woman.
When I regain control of myself, I wipe at my eyes and pull back. On Smith’s shirt there are three blotches of my tears.
I suck in a breath, wiping at them. “I’ve ruined your shirt!”
He grabs my hand, holding it against his chest. “Look at me, Sarah.”
I swallow and look up at him. His face is still tense, his eyes so blue that I can barely stand it. “You are all right. I didn’t want you to try to face Justin down on your own, but you did. You kicked his ass, whatever you said to him.” He pauses for a second. “You are a rock star.”
Then he kisses me, hard and demanding. When he scoops me up in his arms and carries me inside the house, I just hold on to him.
My rock.
My songwriting partner.
Curling my hands around his neck, I bury my face once more and let him carry me to his room.
Ipull her close, giving her a long, slow kiss. Sarah slides her arms around my neck and presses herself flush against me, making me groan. She is so soft and warm, her honeysuckle scent driving me wild. I roll onto my back, bringing Sarah with me so that she straddles my hips, her breasts brushing my chest as we kiss.
I grip her hips, cupping her breasts through the filmy lingerie she wears. Sarah breaks the kiss to nibble my earlobe, nip at my neck, making me buck and grind up against her.
She gasps and rocks against me, crying out when I pinch one of her nipples.
“I want to be inside you,” I grit out.
“I…” she says, distracted and out of breath. “I should shower first…”
I growl and roll her over, pressing the weight of my body down on hers. I kiss her lips, her collarbone, her breast. Leaning on one arm, I slide my hand between them, boldly caressing her through her panties.
“I… I…” she stutters, going tense.