Page 28 of Sing Your Heart Out

“Oh, I don’t know…”

Smith slams one of his giant fists on the table. “She doesn’t have to do anything, Dwayne. You’ve been told that he is an obvious security risk. He’s exhibited threatening behaviors. If anything happens to Sarah, I will hold you personally accountable.”

He glowers at Dwayne. Dwayne pales and takes a half a step back from the table. “I’ll still need her to go public…”

“Get the fuck away from this table,” Mellie barks. She stands up, bucking at Dwayne.

“I’ll talk to Dee!” Dwayne says, scurrying away.

Nate swallows, sipping his Coke. Smith looks at me.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, Sarah.” Mellie scotches back into the booth. “Me either. You should come and room with me.”

Smith’s expression hardens. “Nah. She should come sleep in my room. I’ll take the floor and give you the bed. I’d love for him to even consider fucking with my room.” His fists bunch and there is malice in his eyes. “I’d welcome the chance to beat the shit out of that guy.”

My eyes start to well up. “You guys would do that for me?”


“Of course.” Mellie slides her arm around my shoulders, giving me a half hug.

I feel so protected right now, here in this chipped diner booth. No one has ever stood up for me like they just did.

Hell, if they hadn’t made a fuss, I would have just added Marco’s invasion of my personal space and demands for sex to the long list of crimes that would be forgotten.

“Thank you both so much,” I say, discreetly wiping at my eyes. Mellie squeezes my arm.

Before I can say anything else though, the waitress brings our food.

After taking a few bites of my omelet and my ice cream, I listen to the conversation at the table.

“What’s your deal, Smith?” Mellie asks. “Why are you here?”

Smith chews a bite of his patty melt. “My ex and I used to write together. We went through a pretty explosive breakup. I’ve been trying to write some new songs in the last few months but…” He shrugs. “I guess I just need more practice.”

“Hmm.” Mellie nods, sliding me a secretive glance. “I see.”

“What about you?” I ask Mellie.

She smiles. “I’m just looking to breathe new life into my career. That’s all.” She stabs a few lettuce leaves with her fork, then turns the questioning on me. “How about you, Sarah?”

I should’ve known that this would be coming. “Uhhh… I was living at a third rate hotel, working as one of their lounge acts. I got out of a relationship too…” I narrow my eyes and cut about seventy percent of my story out. No one wants to hear some sob story about my ex. Not even people as nice as Smith and Mellie. “Anyway, I just came here to try something new.”

Smith chuckles. “I would say that you managed that quite nicely.”

My cheeks warm. “I’m trying my best.”

Smith smiles at me. I feel the warmth all the way down in my bones. “I have a burning question to ask.”

My eyebrows rise delicately. “Oh yeah?”

He wiggles his eyebrows. “Can I try your ice cream?”

Bursting into laughter, I push it across the table at him. He offers me some of his shake in turn.

Sipping out of the same straw, I suck down a little bit of the cold, chocolatey treat. Grinning, I sit back and enjoy the conversation and ice cream, just as Dee and Dwayne intended.