Page 23 of Sing Your Heart Out

He rests his forehead against the pillow to my left, breathing openmouthed for a long second. My racing heart begins to slow.

Smith kisses me then, long and languorous. He tastes like his sweat, but I don’t mind it one bit. I sigh into the kiss, bringing my hands up to cup his face.

When at last he pulls out of my body and goes to the bathroom to clean off, I lie still. Appreciate this moment, I tell myself. You got what you’ve wanted for so long. Who knows when it will happen again?



Ilie in bed afterward, staring wide eyed at the ceiling. What the hell was I thinking?

I’m supposed to be here to compete… not to sleep around. Not even with Sarah, who is smoking hot.

Maybeespeciallynot with her.

“We should not have done that,” Sarah breathes.

I look over at her, a little surprised. She’s already sitting up, hunting for something.

“What?” I ask, trying to make sure I heard her right. My blood surges as she stands up; even in the shadowy bedroom, her ass is not to be missed. Perfectly round and perky, it is without a doubt the finest ass I’ve ever had the pleasure to touch.

Hell, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen altogether, hands down. Especially stripped of all her clothes…

“Have you seen my underwear?” she asks. She twists to see me stretched out on the bed, then rolls her eyes and hurls a t-shirt at me. “You should get dressed too.”

I sit up, spotting her panties entwined with my boxer briefs. I grab them and separate them, offering her the scanty pink piece of silk. She snags them from my hand, glaring at me.

I start pulling on my boxer briefs. “What?”

The look on her face is making me itch. She shakes her head, looking like she wishes she could smoosh me.

“I can’t believe I fell for that whole, poor me, I’m just a down on his luck singer thing. Ugh!”

She puts steps into her panties and hauls them up, her movements angry. I can practically feel her vibrating with intensity.

“Oh please,” I say, rolling my eyes. “You were so into me that I was almost afraid of you, okay? If anyone should be worried about what just happened, it’s me.”

She pulls her bra on, stopping short. “Excuse me? You want to run that by me again, chief?”

I pull my t-shirt on over my head, smirking a little. “Look, the sex was great. I give you that. And it was a good way to blow off some steam… but it can’t happen again. I have to keep my head in the game, here.”

She looks livid as she pulls her skirt up. “I’m sorry that I distracted you from exactly nothing! If it wasn’t for my suggestions, you wouldn’t even have a song.”

I pull my pants up my legs and zip my fly. “Listen, honey. You are real fun and real pretty. But I’m here to win. Not to get all… moon-y eyed or whatever the fuck.”

“That isn’t even a phrase that people use!” she cries. “Moon-y eyed. Is that like the lame cousin of starry eyed?”

“Don’t hate on me. I’m just thinking light years ahead of time,” I say.

She whips her top over her head, then looks around for her shoes. Once she finds them, she heads to the door.

“Wait!” I call.

She looks back at me, raising her brows. “What?”

“You’re not going to tell anyone about this, are you?”

She makes a disgusted sound and then yanks the door open. I expect her to slam it, but she doesn’t even close it behind herself.