Page 93 of Brutal Savior

Jacob’s voice issues from Kendrick’s phone, tinny but clear. “Fuck me, that’s a good idea. Please, Kendrick. It’s the only chance we’ve got.”

I hate the desperate sound of his voice. It’s so unlike him. Unlike my strong, confident Jacob. When did I start thinking of him as mine? Maybe the moment he actually called this in, rather than saving his grandad with a sneaky word to his sister and keeping the choice to himself. He could have done it, and none of us would have known.

Kendrick considers for seconds that feel like entire goddamn ice ages, then finally nods. “Okay.”

He dials Hadrian and explains the situation in a clipped, efficient rush. “What do you think? Could your cybernetic intelligence assist?”

Silence. Come on, Hadrian. Don’t be a chickenshit. Get it done.

He draws in a breath, then his voice fills the room. “Yes, she should be able to. But are you sure? Unleashing her…it’s a big step.”

It’s the right thing. Please.

“We’re out of other options. Do it.” Kendrick doesn’t waste time. One tiny good point about him in a sea of crap.

“Yes, sir.” Another agonizing pause. “Candice, do you understand what you need to do?”

I’m the only one in the room who doesn’t flinch when Candice’s Scottish lilt comes through the speakers. “I sure do. Be back soon.”

I look at the tense, pale faces surrounding me. Eve and Gabriel are hand in hand, knuckles white as they clutch each other. Sebastian paces the room, muttering about nuclear launch codes. The Gilda stand at attention, though even they can’t hide their worry. And Kendrick is staring directly at me.

“You’d better be right.”

He says it softly, not as a threat but as a statement of fact. If I’m wrong about Candice, we’re all fucked. Kendrick’s disapproval won’t matter one iota, and he knows it.

“I am. I know it.”

We all jump as the closest monitor flares to life and Candice appears on the screen. “I’ve found her. Sending the location to your phones.”

A chorus of beeps punctuate her announcement. Jacob’s voice comes from someone’s phone speaker, grim as all hell as he says, “That’s five minutes away. I’m on it.”

Five minutes. Still too long.

“Can you stop the explosives?” Kendrick asks Candice. “Jacob won’t reach her in time.”

“Risky. If she gets suspicious, she might blow both bombs. She has video feed of the hospital and of James West.”

James West? Oh. I’d almost forgotten Grandad’s real name. Very dashing. I bet it suited him as a younger man. Then it hits me—this could be the end for him, which would destroy Jacob. This has to fucking work.

Candice’s voice rings out. “I’m sending you James’s location. Don’t approach him until I give the okay.”

“Go.” Kendrick nods to the Gilda soldiers. “Stop when you’re close. I’ll tell you when to move in.”

The four men salute and race from the room. I crane to see Gabriel’s phone. “Where is he?”

“In the forest. It’s going to be close.”


Candice speaks again. “I’m looping the video feed of James so she won’t see you. It’s dark and grainy footage.” A long pause. “Done. You’re safe to approach.”

How long has it been? I’ve lost track, though there’s a large digital clock on the wall. Seven minutes? Eight?

It’s taking too goddamn long, I know that.

A quiet beep, just from Kendrick’s device, and he taps something in response. “I’ve given them the go-ahead to engage.”

Jacob’s voice blares again, though this time, the connection is crackly. He’s breathing hard. “She’s calling. Confirm, is Grandad clear?” Nothing. “I said is Grandad fucking clear!”