Page 81 of Brutal Savior

His deep voice rumbles through my cheek. “I know you’re tired, but there’s something I need to talk to you about. It’s important. Do you need a cup of tea or something to wake up?”

I smile, because sometimes he’s just so damn English it’s ridiculous. I shift around so I can see his face. “Tea? As if. Coffee. Three sugars.”

“Three fucking sugars? That’ll wreck your teeth.” He shakes me off and stands to make the drinks. “You can have two, and we’ll work on getting it down to one.”

So damn controlling. I shake my head but don’t have the energy for a fight about it. I’ll save that battle for another time.

A few minutes later, I’m sipping hot coffee and facing Jacob, feet curled under me on the sofa. “So. What’s the big news?”

He sighs. “Grandad told me something tonight. It’s not good.”

The story he tells me sets a chill in my veins that even the hot drink can’t chase away.

“I spoke to Kendrick, and he let me bring him here. To the Compound. It’s the only way I can be sure he’s safe.”

Holy fucking shit. “Here? Where is he?”

“We’ve got temporary rooms a couple of floors down. I told him my real quarters are in a secret part of the base. He thinks this is a military installation. I couldn’t bring him here, with the cage and shit.”

He says it so matter of factly I almost laugh. “No. That’d be a bit awkward.”

A tired smile touches his lips. “Yeah.”

“Does that mean I’ll be here by myself until this is all over?” I try not to sound sad about it, but I don’t think I do a very good job, because his smile gains a little of its usual edge.

“What? You’ll miss me too much?”

“No. It’ll be nice and quiet. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Mmmm hmmm.” Quick as lightning, he pounces, pulling me onto his lap.

I yelp as my sore ass hits his hard thighs. “Ouch.”

“Poor baby. I forgot how much I tanned your arse.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all. He holds me in the crook of his arm and rests his hand on the exposed skin of my belly. I fell asleep in the same clothes I wore to the party.

He stares down at me, face suddenly serious again. He’s in a weird mood. Maybe all the stress has left him erratic—I know how that feels. Though an erratic Jacob is a scary thought.

“Can I trust you?”

What the fuck sort of a question is that? “Trust me to what?”

He lets out a sharp breath. “Quinn. I don’t want to leave you stuck in here, maybe for weeks. I want you with me but…” A long pause, which I don’t dare interrupt. “If you tell Grandad you’re a captive here, it could get him killed or trapped here for good. Do you understand that? Kendrick doesn’t fuck around. If he thinks Grandad is a security risk, he’ll take action.”

Take action. It’s a grim phrase and it clangs in my head. And the thing is, the idea hadn’t even occurred to me. I’d do a lot for my freedom, but bring Jacob’s grandad into it? No way. He’s an old man and doesn’t deserve that.

“I won’t say anything to him. I promise.” I hold up my hand in what I think is the same salute he gave me on my first day. “Scout’s honor.”

He lets out a short laugh. “You were never a scout.”

“Nope. Fuck that. But I do mean it. I’d never bring your grandad into this.”

His body relaxes. “Good. Thank fuck for that.” His big hand pushes my crop top up. “I don’t think I could handle keeping away from you. You’re bloody addictive.”

“Seriously? After the night you’ve had? You can’t want to—”

“Shush.” The hand cradling me shifts, covering my mouth. “It’s been a really long day. I’m going to play with you, and you’re going to shut up and let me. Got it?”

I mumble into his hand, and he releases my mouth. In the next thirty seconds, he has me stripped and back in the same position. He hasn’t removed one single item of his clothing. There’s something about being naked while he’s clothed that makes me squirm, and the sight of his huge hand on my tits isn’t helping either.