Page 70 of Brutal Savior

His words rattle in my head as I follow him out the door.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


This stupid event isbeing held in the private dining room. Normally I'd avoid it like the plague, but Seb, who loves this sort of thing, warned me Kendrick would be pissed if I didn’t show. It’s celebrating the newest generation of Brothers, and as I am one, missing it will be seen as a snub.

At least I’ll have fun showing Quinn off. It’s embarrassing how much I like seeing her in that little crop top stamped with my name. I didn’t mean to say what I said about being bored with Suzy—I don’t have any plans to start bad-mouthing her to Quinn—but it’s one hundred percent the truth.

Owning Suzy would have been like keeping a well-behaved domestic pet. Owning Quinn is like riding a wild pony. I have to fight every day to keep her under control, or I’ll get kicked in the face. And fuck, I do love pushing her limits.

“I think we’ll move to the fourth of the gags tomorrow. You’re doing well. You can take it.”

Quinns lips thin, and she glares at me. She hates wearing the cock gags every day, but I think it has more to do with not being able to talk than it does with her gag reflex. As soon as I let her take it off, she vomits out every thought that’s run through her brain in the last two hours.

“I’ll choke to death.”

“Don’t be dramatic.”

“You try wearing the fucking thing, then.”

“I’m not planning on sucking a dick any time soon.”

She turns away with a huff and marches on. Too soon, we reach the venue. It’s a medium-sized gathering, maybe twenty people, and when I see the other Wards, I feel a bit guilty. They’re all dressed up in their evening wear, beautiful and classy. Maybe I should have let Quinn wear her dress.

She stabs an angry finger at the group. “See? Told you.”

“What? You look better than the lot of them put together. Not one single Ward in this Compound is half as beautiful as you, whatever you’re wearing.”


It’s sarcastic, but little spots of color appear in her cheeks, and her lips twitch into a smile she fights to suppress. She loves it when I praise her, even though she makes out she doesn’t.

Seb spots us first and drifts over, champagne glass clasped in his hand. He eyes us critically. “Jacob, that’s the exact same outfit you wore to make your speech. The budget would have stretched to a fresh shirt, you know. I made three million in trades just today.”

Quinn’s eyes widen, and he turns his attention her way. “What the hell? Did you lose a bet?”

Bloody Seb.

She gestures dramatically to her outfit. “Yes, actually. And he wouldn’t let me wear the cute dress I had ready.”

Seb frowns at me. “Well, that’s just cruel. How could you?”

When Quinn looks elsewhere for a split second, he shoots me a smirk.

Gabriel and Eve join us. Quinn’s eyes shoot to Eve’s new cuffs, the twin of her own. Quinn grabs her arm. “Oh no. You’ve got them too!”

“Yes.” She glares at Gabriel, who shrugs, looking pleased with himself.

“They were a great idea, Jacob. Thanks for the suggestion.” Gabriel’s voice is perfectly innocent, but I can tell he’s trying not to laugh.

Eve and Quinn both glare at me, eyes narrowed. Great. Now Eve is going to be grouchy with me on Monday in the lab. I hold up my hands. “Blame Gabriel, not me.”

“Oh, I blame him too.”

Gabriel’s amusement rolls off him in waves. I’m sure he’s been looking forward to this moment. He speaks in a mild, calm tone. “That’s not the way you go about earning an orgasm, is it, Eve?”

Poor Eve. Her face flushes bright crimson. She is so easy to embarrass, and Gabriel loves to do it. “Sh-shut up. All of you,” she stammers, then links her arm through Quinn’s. “We’re getting a drink.”