Page 43 of Brutal Savior

“I’ll film it,” Sebastian answers.

These three are a close-knit little crew. Could that come in handy somehow? Maybe.

Jacob gives me one final long look. “Best behavior.”

He leaves with Sebastian, and my stomach drops as I watch them go. Eve must have seen my anxiety, as she links her arm with mine and leads me along the corridor. I can feel Gabriel’s eyes on my back. “Don’t worry. It’s weird, isn’t it, how quickly it starts to feel like the man holding you captive is the only thing keeping you safe?”

I snap my gaze to hers, relief flooding my system. She said it. She actually said the word “captive.” She’s not pretending this is some voluntary fucking adventure like everyone else here.

A sympathetic look crosses her face at my reaction. “I couldn’t stand the way no one talked about it either. Be warned, it’ll be like that at Annie’s place. We’re the only two newbies. The rest of the girls have been here at least a year, most of them much longer. They’d rather talk about other things, not their captivity. But you can always talk to me about anything.”

Her voice drops. “Especially the cage. Was he serious?”

Years? The other girls have been here for years? I mutter a reply before I lose my shit entirely. "As a fucking heart attack."

Years. What if they don't even like their…man. Their captor? What if he’s horrible? I give Eve a side-eye. Is Gabriel good to her? She doesn't act like she wants to get away from him—the “get a room” kiss sure seemed real. But all the girls here can't be happy. Eve can't really be happy. And some of them must be stuck with real assholes.

At least Jacob seems honest. Straightforward. He wouldn't be cruel just for the sake of it. But even so, I sure as fuck won't be here for years.

I shouldn't be so surprised. I didn't see it because I didn't want to. Annie has obviously been here a while. Shops like hers don't happen overnight. I thought tonight I’d be meeting a group of motivated women planning their escape. If they’ve been here for years, how motivated can they be?

Unless escape really is impossible.

My heart is racing, so I stop for a minute and breathe. Eve frowns but doesn’t hurry me. I stare at her, and something jumps out. Why didn’t I notice it before? Too caught up in my own problems to really look at her. She’s wearing a tight choker around her neck. On someone gothy like Annie, it could be an accessory but on her, it can surely only be a collar.

A goddamn collar.

Should I ask her about it? No, not with Gabriel lurking. Later, though.

The shock of noticing it has snapped me back into the moment, and I straighten my spine. Time to meet the others.

Eve asks, “You good to go?”


We reach a door decorated on the outside with a picture of a black cat and the words, “If you don’t like cats, take your ass elsewhere.”

Eve taps it with a smile. “I hope you’re not a dog person.”

“Neither, really. I always wanted a snake but never managed to get organized enough.”

“Oh, you’ll want to meet Ellie, then. She’s obsessed with them. She’s not here tonight, but I’ll introduce you.” She lowers her voice. “How are you with meeting new people? I’m really shy, so it took me a while, but I’m okay with these things now. No one will mind if you’re a bit quiet. Don’t worry.”

Hah. The least of my worries. I’m more likely to spill out every inappropriate thought in my head in the first five minutes, especially if I’m drinking. And I’m definitely going to be doing that.

“Shutting me up will be the main issue.”

Eve laughs and knocks. “It’s Eve and Quinn!”

Annie opens the door, glass of wine in hand. From the pink in her cheeks, I’m guessing it’s not her first. “Come in! Most people are already here.”

I hover awkwardly on the threshold as Eve shares another long kiss with Gabriel. Get a room is right. He doesn’t seem to like letting her go, but she waves him off. “We’ll be fine. Go.”

“I’ll be right here.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever makes you happy.”

Then she ushers me inside and shuts the door. “Sorry. He’s so overprotective.”