“Don’t forget to mention in your speech how you’ve got a captive woman waiting at home with a—”
I cut myself off. I almost said, “A huge hunk of metal jammed up her ass,” but Sebastian is listening, for the love of fuck. I don’t need to embarrass myself any more than Jacob already has.
Jacob raises a brow. “With a what?”
“Nothing.” I squeeze past his bulky form, heading for the door. “Can we get out of here, please? All the testosterone is making me nauseous. I need some female company.”
“Yes, dear.” Deadpan as ever.
The two men flank me like bodyguards as we exit the creepy, horror-movie corridor. What the hell were they thinking when they decorated this place? We head out of Jacob’s building, walk a short distance, then reach another, taller building. I expect him to use his fingerprint to get us inside, but he presses a buzzer instead, and a muffled voice answers. “Yeah.”
“It’s us.”
“Be there in a sec.”
The line goes dead. I ask, “Why can’t you get in here?”
Jacob takes my hand in an almost absent gesture as he responds, “This building is for full Brothers who have been through initiation. There’s a ceremony. I’ll fill you in later. Gabriel and Eve moved here a month ago.”
Gabriel. Great. My stomach erupts in frantic flutters at the thought of seeing him and Eve. At least I’ll get the chance to apologize to her, but Gabriel is another matter. He looked like he wanted to kill me when I attacked Eve. The pressure of Jacob’s hand on mine is comforting.
The door slides open, revealing an entry hall that is much, much nicer than Jacob’s. High ceilings and cleverly placed lights make it feel sunny, a big fountain dominates the middle of the space, and music plays through speakers. The color scheme is rich gold, white, and blue, and there are huge paintings on the walls in heavy frames.
It feels like a fancy, if a little old-fashioned, five-star hotel. Not that I’ve ever stayed in one. The closest I’ve gotten is working in the kitchens.
The three figures waiting for us in the lobby draw my eye. A uniformed military guy. Eve, in jeans and a pretty purple sweater. Gabriel, glaring at me. The hard set of his lips makes me question if this is a good idea. Jacob is a threat, but he’s my protector, too. All at once, being alone in this fucked-up place without him feels frightening rather than liberating.
Eve smiles her dazzling smile and steps forward, ignoring Gabriel’s muttered warning. “Hi.”
I swallow and follow her lead, shaking free of Jacob. “Hey. Look, I’m really sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought you’d be one of the soldiers, and I—”
“It’s okay. It was just a bump. I’ve only been here a couple of months myself. I remember what it feels like at first. Don’t stress about it.”
A couple of months? She says it like it’s no time at all. To me, that feels endless. Months as a captive, and she says it like it’s no big deal?
Before I can manage a reply, Gabriel cuts me off. “If you ever raise a hand to her again, I’ll—”
“Gabriel. Jesus, no need to go all action hero.” Eve turns, pressing a hand to his chest. “She’s fine. I’d have whacked you with a toaster on my first day if I’d thought of it.”
She stands on her tiptoes, leaning in for a kiss. His whole face changes, all the hardness leaving him as he wraps his arms around her back. They look like the most sickeningly sweet, in-love couple imaginable. How the hell is Eve keeping up a pretense like that? She must be a great actor.
Sebastian makes me jump when he speaks in a stage whisper close to my ear. “These two are the definition ofget a fucking room.It’s revolting.”
Jacob sighs. “If you’re all quite finished, I do have somewhere to be.”
He bends down to my level. Fuck, it’s irritating how much he has to crouch just to look into my eyes. “You’re going to behave, or you won’t like what happens. Say it for me. What are you going to do?”
Seriously? I can feel all four extra sets of eyes on me as I mutter, “I’m going to behave.”
“If there are any problems, call me, and I’ll answer. That’s a promise.”
He stands up, giving Gabriel and the soldier guy a glare I’m glad isn’t aimed at me. He looks like he’s about to threaten them with a spanking. “I’m entrusting Quinn to you two. If she needs anything, see that she gets it. If she asks to be escorted back to my place, you take her.”
He shoots his stern look my way. “If she tries to run from you, take her back to my place and lock her in her cage. Understood?”
Jesus fucking Christ. My face flames, and Eve’s eyes widen, but none of the men seem phased. Typical. The soldier snaps, “Yes, sir.”
Gabriel clasps Jacob’s shoulder in that awkward, manly way. “She’ll be fine. Good luck with your speech. I wish I was coming.”