Page 34 of Brutal Savior

Best medical care? No fees? No more red-stamped overdue hospital bills like the one sitting in my mail right now. I knowit's there. They've been getting more aggressive about wanting payment, and my recent trip will only add to it. And how advanced? If this is a compound of scientists all as smart as Jacob, maybe it's better than a public hospital.

Part of me wants to ask. If I’m here much longer, I’ll need to. No. Don’t think like that. I’ll be out of here before my condition becomes a problem. I try to make it sound convincing in my own head, even though fear prickles under my skin. Without my meds, I could die.

It’s almost a relief when Jacob’s fingers reach my pussy and I’ve got something else to focus on. I yelp and try to pull away as he parts my lips, but he’s faster, as he always seems to be, wrapping an arm around my waist and holding me against him.

“Stop that. I’m going to figure out what makes you tick.”

I snort. “First time you’ve fingered a girl? I can draw you a diagram if it helps.”

His arm loosens just long enough to shift up to my throat, and I go still as he wraps it carefully in his big hand, pressing just enough to make it clear how easily he could cut off my air. Adrenaline shoots through my system.

“You’re a cheeky little brat. Behave.” He gives my throat one hard squeeze, then renews his exploration of my pussy. When the rough pads of his fingers graze my clit, I stiffen. He pauses, too, then works his fingers back and forward, teasing the sensitive spot.

I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. I keep my lips clamped shut as he experiments, rubbing slow, then faster. Pinching it between his fingers. When he shifts to a rhythmic, circular motion, though, my body loosens against my will, my thighs relaxing as the pleasure takes hold.

He notices. Of course he does. “Like that, then? Good. Let’s try a little faster.”

He speeds up, pressing harder, and I can’t help the whimper that slips out. God, the man knows what he’s doing. That feels fucking amazing. His hand tightens again on my throat, just a little, and the combination is electric.

“You only get to come when I say so.”

I’m barely listening now. I’m so close to the edge. I need this.

“If you want to come now, ask me nicely. None of your sarcasm.”

What? No. Fucking no. My belly tightens, ready for release, but I bite my lip. No. I’m not doing it. I’ll sort myself out later, when he’s asleep.

His fingers slow right before I would have passed the point of no return. He moves them lazily, now, then slides them away from my clit. My pussy spasms in disappointment as his fingers press against my entrance. All my nerve endings scream, craving friction. I should have just fucking asked.

He slides one thick finger inside me, then a second with difficulty. “Fuck me, you’re tight.” He pauses, then asks. “Are you a virgin?”

I let out a laugh. “No. I’m just built that way.”

“Hmmmm.” He pumps his fingers slowly, and it feels far too good. “I’m going to enjoy stretching you out to fit me.”

Jesus. Something about those words and the image of him molding my body to fit his, has my pussy clenching around his fingers. Why did that turn me on? His thumb brushes my clit, and this time, I can’t stifle my moan.

“Oh, you like that idea, do you? Well, it’s not just your pussy I’ll be stretching, it's your little arse, too. I bet that’s even tighter.”

My body, which apparently has a mind of its own, clenches again at that, though my brain is smart enough to be terrified. “You can’t. You won’t fit.”

“Oh yes I will. We’ll work with plugs over the next few days, then I’ll spend the whole weekend buried in your arse. That’s a promise.”

Jesus shitting hell. The filthy words brand themselves into my brain as his thumb sets to work on my clit again, moving in those magical circles as he pumps his fingers in and out of me. My body sets on fire, surging back to the edge as if grasping a lifeline. Desperate for a second chance to get what it needs.

“Just in case you’re thinking you can get yourself off whilst I’m asleep, forget it. I’ve got a device to put you in. You won’t be able to touch yourself at all.”

God, I’m so close. Hovering right on the fucking precipice. Device? What does he mean, device? A chastity belt? Images of iron, medieval contraptions fill my mind, but even that isn’t enough to calm the desperation of my body. I need this.

“And if you don’t take this chance, I won’t give you another for a week. It’ll be a lesson in gratitude. You know what you need to do.”

I should tell him to go and fuck himself, but I’ll be the one to suffer, not him. My stomach is tight, clenching with the need for release. He’s punished me plenty. Why should I punish myself, too?

Fuck it.

“Please, may I come?”

As soon as the words are out, I want to call them back. Jacob makes a small, triumphant noise. “Yes, love. You may.”