Heat spreads through me, starting at my pounding heart and spreading to the tips of my fingers. I want to stand, pace, smash my fist into Kendrick’s desk. Instead, I manage to keep my voice level. “Is Eve okay?”
“Yes, no thanks to your crazy fucking Ward. You need to—”
“Gabriel. Where are the three of you now?”
“Still at your place. I used two sets of your handcuffs to restrain Quinn because she wouldn’t calm the hell down and I needed to look after Eve.” He pauses, and his voice sounds more like his normal self when he adds, “That’s quite the collection of equipment you have.”
I can picture the shocked look on his face when he saw my bedroom. I’ve kept everyone out of there until now.
“Tell me what happened.”
“I got a call just as we got to your door. I took it, and Eve opened the door before I could stop her. She was excited to see Quinn.” There’s a hurt, reproachful note in his voice, and it gets to me. I really like Eve.
“I told her to wait, but you know what she’s like. She thought I was being ridiculous and opened the door anyway. Quinn smacked her in the head with your toaster and ran for it. I dragged her back inside, kicking and scratching. She’s insane.”
Shit. I can see exactly how it played out. The bloody toaster. “I’m sorry, Gabriel. It’s my fault. I should have left her tied up.”
“You should have! Eve’s got an icepack on her head now, but I want to take her to medical.”
I open my mouth to say I’ll be right there when a better idea hits me. It’s important Quinn learns her actions have consequences, and that I’m not going to let her control my day. Medical is on the ground floor of main admin, right where we are now.
“Can I ask you one more favor? I’ll owe you.”
A long pause, and Gabriel sighs. “No. You don’t. What do you need?”
“Can you carry Quinn? She weighs fuck all. Keep her in the restraints, and there’s something I need you to get from my bedroom.”
Ten minutes later, a Gilda guard opens the door. “Sir? The people you mentioned are here.”
Quinn’s voice fills the room. “Put me fucking down! I can walk, you bastard. Let me…”
Her stream of insults and curses continues as Gabriel enters looking as pissed off as I’ve ever seen him. He has Quinn over his shoulder, her legs gripped tight as she struggles as best she can with her ankles bound and her hands locked behind her back. He marches over and dumps her on the carpet next to my chair.
“Good fucking luck with her. Eve is in medical, so I need to go. And here.” He holds out the item I asked him to collect. “You’ll need this.”
I have to raise my voice to be heard over Quinn. “Thanks, mate. I’ll send Eve over something nice to say sorry.”
Gabriel gives me a tight smile in response, nods to Kendrick, and leaves.
Kendrick and Hadrian watch Quinn with mild interest as she twists about on the floor, trying to get herself upright. Brody, the young chap, looks like his eyes are about to fall out of his head. Part of me wants to smack and tell him to keep his eyes where they belong.
The other part of me knows an audience will make this much worse for Quinn. All three men agreed to this, and it means we can still get this bloody meeting finished. This day already feels like it’s been a year long.
“Sorry, gentlemen. I’ll just shut that noise up.” I hold up the gag I had Gabriel collect for me right in front of Quinn’s face.
She shuts up instantly, eyes going round as she stares at the thing. It’s a ball gag, with a large ball designed to be messy and uncomfortable. She’ll be drooling uncontrollably.
She knows it, too, because she shakes her head and says in a polite voice, “I’ll be quiet.”
“I don’t care what you’ve got to say for yourself. You hurt Eve, and you’re going to be punished for it.”
She winces. “I didn’t know it was her. I thought it’d be one of those goons”—she nods toward the door—“so I—”
I don’t wait for her to finish. Grabbing a chunk of her hair, I force the gag into place and cinch it tightly shut. She shakes her head, trying to dislodge it, and a pitiful whine comes from her mouth. Her lips are spread wide, in a frozen O shape, and fuck if it doesn’t send a jolt straight to my cock.
When we get home, she’s going to do something about that.