Page 1 of Brutal Savior



“Is everything in placefor your Ward? Sebastian tells me you’ve been making diligent preparations. Excessive, some might say.”

I suppress a snort as I take a sip of Kendrick’s posh brandy. Bloody Seb. Can’t keep his opinions to himself about anything. I carefully set the glass down on Kendrick’s enormous oak desk. “Just ensuring everything goes to plan. Old habits.”

Kendrick nods as if he understands. I don’t know if he was ever military, but he has that feel about him. He runs this place like a general.

Seb and Gabriel both tease me about my obsessive tendencies, but it doesn’t bother me one fucking bit. Once Suzy is in my care, all my months of planning will be worth it. Out of the hundreds of potential Wards I considered, she stood out as perfect, ticking all my boxes and then some.

Miserable home life? Tick.

Intelligent and educated? Tick.

Polite and well-mannered? Tick.

And most importantly, she’s a submissive who never dared to take the leap into that lifestyle. Our wants align, two puzzle pieces fitting together. She’s desperate for someone to take control of her life.

Practically begging to be kidnapped.

The images conjured by that thought have no place in Kendrick’s bloody office, so I squash them and focus on Mister Cheerful. If he ever cracks a smile, his face might break. From the expectant way he’s looking at me, I can tell we’re past the small talk. Time to get down to business.

“Sir, I’m asking again to be part of the strike team collecting my Ward. I understand it’s not protocol, but I’m not an average Brother. I’ve far more experience than most of the Gilda.”

Kendrick sets his glass down with a sigh. “I’m afraid that’s just not possible.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he holds up a hand. “I understand your position, but I can’t make an exception because of your background. The rules must apply equally to all for the Brotherhood to function. You, of all people, must understand that.”

He’s right, but it doesn’t stop the flare in my gut. Years ago, I’d have reacted very differently. I can picture it. My fist crashing down on the table. The glass flying across the room, shattering into a mess of shards. Now, I breathe deep, just as Grandad taught me.

Keep control.

Always keep control.

Kendrick seems to sense my mood and stiffens, gaze sharp. My past made me an unlikely candidate for the Brotherhood, and I wonder if part of him is scared of me. Scared of the things he knows I’m capable of doing. But, credit to him, he doesn’t back down.

I keep my voice level. “The others don’t need to know, sir.”

“My answer is no. The Gilda have done this hundreds of times, Jacob, and your girl isn’t a challenging target. She’ll be safe in your possession tomorrow.”

My possession. Those words shoot straight to the part of me I've tried to ignore through these long months of celibacy. Suzy will make the perfect slave. It’s all she’s ever wanted, and I’ll be the Master who gives her everything she desires.

Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.

I know when I’m beaten, and there’s no way Kendrick is going to budge. I don’t like it, but I’ve long since learned not to fight hopeless battles. Instead, I turn to damage limitation.

“Are the Gilda clear on my requirements? No drugs. With her history, I’m not starting our life together by sticking her with a needle.”

Suzy’s history is similar to mine. Useless druggie parents. She hates narcotics as much as I do.

Kendrick nods. “Of course, Jacob. Everything will go to plan.”

I force down my worries and return the nod. Perhaps Gabriel and Seb have a point. The Gilda know their stuff, and I need to trust them. Nothing will go wrong.

Chapter One
