Page 15 of Brutal Savior

She freezes, clearly unwilling to give up any personal information. I get it. In her position, I wouldn’t either. “Just not that. Please. Promise me.”

Jesus. Anything that makes her be that polite must be important. I want to say yes. Plenty of other ways to fake a death. But is it a promise I can keep? Kendrick might tell me it’s none of my business.

Fuck it, though. After today’s cock up, he owes me. This is one thing I’ll make sure to do for her.

“I promise. Not a car crash. Okay?”

Her body relaxes, shoulders dropping, eyes locked to mine. “Thank you.”

“And I’m going to need your answer. Who do you choose?”

Her eyes screw shut, and she chews her lower lip. She might think choosing Edward gives her a chance at escape. She’d be wrong—she’d never get past the perimeter fence, not to mention the tracker we’ll implant—but she doesn’t know that. She might picture herself getting some old geezer drunk then slipping away unnoticed.

I’m sure she’s already realized nothing like that would work on me.

The air vibrates, pressure building as I wait for her decision. I’m good at staying motionless. It’s one of the skills the army gives you before you even get close to the specials. Civilians are so bloody mobile. Always fidgeting around with something.

But shit, it’s hard to hold myself back from tapping my foot.

Her eyes snap open, icy gaze locked to mine. “You. I choose you.”


Two hours later, we finally finish all the administrative arsing about. First, Gabriel tried to talk me out of my decision, followed by Seb, and finally Kendrick. They all seem to think I’m doing this out of misplaced guilt. White-knight syndrome, saving the poor maiden, all that bollocks.

It proves none of them know what I’m really like.

No one in the Compound knew me before I got myself under control and channeled my energy into useful pursuits. If they’d met me a few years ago, they wouldn’t be so sure I’m doing Quinn a favor. They know Jacob West, esteemed biochemist and all-round kind and helpful guy. The person I want to be and am working to become.

Grandad saw the danger when I was young. He forced me into the army at sixteen, despite my teachers crying about what a waste it was. They barraged him with complaints, arguing I wasa prodigy and needed to go to uni. If he’d listened to them, I’d be dead or in prison by now. Only the structure and discipline of the army kept me from going off the rails.

I can feel the beast inside me waking up, pulling at the chains I’ve wrapped it in. It’s going to feed soon.

Once everyone gave up trying to change my mind, the practicalities had to be dealt with. Kendrick wanted to rush Quinn to medical, but I put a stop to it. I’m not going to fuck her tonight, so all the tests can wait. Brackis wanted to keep her confined until she’d been thoroughly investigated, but I put a stop to that, too.

She’s staying with me tonight.

When I arrive to collect her, she’s slumped over the table, head resting on her folded arms. Fast asleep. I’ve always envied people who can fall asleep like that, curled up into strange positions. Even in a comfy king-size bed, I’m often restless.

I watch her for a while, taking in her fragile beauty. Asleep, her face has lost that tight, wary look, and one could be fooled into thinking she’s sweet. That would be a lie. I trace the line of her body, from the bulky hoodie down her skinny thighs. I’m going to make sure she eats properly. She looks like she bloody well needs it.

I open the door, expecting her to jump up, but she doesn’t. She’s out cold. Unbelievable. Quietly, I unlock her ankle restraints and consider what to do. She must be exhausted, and I’d like to let her catch up on some shut-eye, but I can’t leave her here. Carefully, I slide my hands under her arms and pick her up.

She mumbles something as I settle her against my chest but doesn’t wake. She’s lighter than any full-grown human has a right to be, and a protective ember comes to life. Thank fuck she chose me. Edward would have bullied her into oblivion.

Keeping her clutched tight, I exit detention, ignoring the shocked guard. It’s a short walk to the initiates’ quarters, andwe’re almost there when a familiar, obnoxious voice scrapes against my ears. Fucking Edward.

“Jacob! So, this is the little bitch, is it? Kendrick said she was a spirited one. I can’t say I’m happy you claimed her out from under me, but more power to you. You’ll have your hands full.”

His ruddy face is pulled into an obsequious grin. He’d never dare fuck with me, but he’ll chat shit about me behind my back. Violence between Brothers is a very quick way to find yourself in detention for a long time. If the rules weren’t so strict, I’d wipe that smug bastard look right off his face.

“Call her a bitch one more time. See what happens.”

Edward’s eyes widen, and his hands come up, fending off an invisible blow. “Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I thought—”

“Piss off.”

He gapes, second chin wobbling, and narrows his mean little eyes. He’s too much of a coward to argue and stomps off, shoulders stiff. Good fucking riddance.