“Jesus fucking Christ, Grandad!” Jacob splutters, and it tips me over the edge. I crumple into helpless laughter, tears streaming down my face.
After a minute, Jacob mutters, “Are you done?”
I recover just enough to blurt out, “Your face! Your fucking face!”
Then I lose it again.
By the time I get myself together, Jacob seems to have recovered and is watching me with a look so exasperated it almost sets me off again, but I manage to keep it together.
Really, he should be grateful for the turn this conversation took. It’s saved him a much more difficult one. If Grandad is happy to believe we’re all consensually enslaved, then let him think that. It’s better than the alternative.
“Right, then.” Jacob gets to his feet with a decisiveness that helps me get my fit of the giggles under control. “I’ll talk to Kendrick, if you’re really sure?”
Grandad nods. “I am.”
Jacob turns his attention to me, and a smirk crosses his face. The dangerous one. I can’t say I’m sad to see it, though. It's another sign he’s getting back to his old self. If that costs me a spanking, it’s worth it.
“I’ll ask what rooms Grandad can keep permanently, too. He needs his own space, and so do we. I’ve been keeping a list of things we need to attend to once we move back in. It’ll keep you busy for a while.”
Shit. Shit. Shit. I knew he’d been keeping score. With a last, knowing look over his shoulder, Jacob heads to the door.
Epilogue - Three Months Later
The speaker drones onand on. He’s a Brother who has spent years working with subatomic particles, watching how they interact with each other, and apparently, his discoveries are ground-breaking. Judging by Gabriel’s rapt expression, they probably are. But invisible particles are his thing, not mine. I prefer work with immediate, practical applications.
Normally, I’d have made an excuse and done pretty much anything except attend a boring presentation, but I came up with an idea to torture Quinn that was just too good, and this is the perfect venue to try it out.
I didn’t tell her the new plug I stuffed her arse with before we left vibrates.
It’s silent but fierce. Before we left, I told Quinn, very sternly, that she’s to sit quietly through the lecture and pay attention. She whinged and moaned, but it’s not like she has a choice. It’sbeen almost a week since I let her orgasm, the longest period of denial I’ve put her through, and she’s as pissed off as a bag of cats.
I can’t wait to piss her off a whole lot more.
I steal a glance at her. Glazed eyes, slack jaw… She looks on the verge of passing out. Sliding my hand into my pocket, I activate the remote.
She leaps from her seat with a high-pitched shriek. The speaker falls silent, and everyone in the sparsely filled lecture theater stares. She’s wide-eyed, clutching her arse, the tiny miniskirt I made her wear riding up as her fingers rake over it.
“Sit down and be quiet,” I snap in an audible whisper, then address the speaker. “I’m so sorry. Please go on.”
Gabriel shoots me a disgusted look from the row in front and turns back to the stage as the speaker continues. Quinn lowers herself slowly to the hard wooden bench seat, eyes wide. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her tight against me. “No more of that. Concentrate. I’ll be asking you questions about this later.”
As if I’ll remember a fucking thing.
“Turn it off! Please.”
“No. One more word, and I’m turning it up.”
She’s already squirming on her seat. We’re in the back row, off to the side of the theater, in no-one’s eyeline. If anyone goes out of their way to watch us, that’s their fucking problem. I slide my hand under Quinn’s T-shirt and play with her nipple. I’ve pretty much banned bras for her, except for special occasions. I don’t want fabric getting between me and my toy.
“Jacob,” she whines, wriggling in the most delightful way. I pinch and roll her little nipple between my thumb and finger as she bites hard on her lip. The strong vibrations, the hard wooden bench, and the days of deprivation are doing their work. “I’m going to—”
“Go on then, love. Just be quiet about it.”
I watch her face. Her eyes screw shut as she concentrates, desperate not to make a sound. She doesn’t quite manage it, but I think only I hear the quiet whimper she gives as her body gets what I’ve denied it for days. She twitches, and I move my hand down, slipping it under her skirt and into her knickers, which are absolutely fucking soaked.
Fuck me, this girl is amazing.