“No. I’m not leaving you here. You’re coming home with me.”
He frowns, deep furrows gouged into his forehead. “What? To your top-secret bloody military base? No thanks. I don’t fancy spending the rest of my life in some CIA fucking dungeon.”
“It’s not CIA, Grandad. It’ll be fine. I’ll make a call.”
“It’s completely against protocol.”
There’s no anger in Kendrick’s voice, just wariness. I walk down the corridor, out of earshot of the Gilda soldier guarding Grandad’s room. “I know, sir. But in the light of this new information, it’s the only choice. I’m sure he’s the main target, and by the sound of it, this woman is a prodigy. She’s dangerous.”
“Do you have a plan to catch her?”
I do, though it’s newly formed and very, very risky. “If we take my grandfather off the board, the only piece in play is Ruth, sir. So, we pull a bait and switch. We remove her from the hospital, under absolute secrecy, and make it look like she’s still there. Kelly will reveal herself by trying to get to Ruth.”
A long pause. “It’s not a terrible plan. But I see no need to actually bring your grandfather into the Compound. We’ll put him in a safe house elsewhere, with your sister.”
Shit. That was a mistake. Dealing with Kendrick requires a careful touch. “What I mean, sir, is that if Kelly doesn’t know where Grandad is, she’ll hunt for him. If she knows he’s in theCompound, she’ll be smart enough to know she can’t get to him and will turn her attention to Ruth.”
He lets out a long sigh. “The protocols…”
“Please, sir. He’s eighty-five years old. He’ll be no trouble, and even if he sees something he shouldn't, who's going to believe him? He’ll stay with me—not in my flat, but in a fresh one—and I’ll keep an eye on him at all times.”
“And what about Quinn?”
“I’ll manage. I’ll keep them both under control. Trust me.”
Another long, painful pause. “If it were anyone else, I’d say no. But your skill set is different. I’ll trust you in this, but Jacob?”
“Yes, sir?”
“If any issues come of this, you’ll clean them up. Understood?”
Hopefully I’m telling the truth.
I thought the ride in the chopper might be too much for Grandad, but the mad old bastard loves it. He keeps his head pressed to the window for the entire flight, only turning away to grin at me. Seeing him happy is a breath of fresh air.
We land, and I help him out. He leans heavily on me as he disembarks, then stares around with a frown. I can almost see his thoughts. Grandad thinks I’m working for a top-secret branch of the US military, and the Compound looks absolutely nothing like a base.
The helipad is surrounded by neat shrubbery. Like everything here, it’s a bizarre mix of country club and high-tech aesthetic. The sheds that house the choppers are gleaming stainless steel, but the path leading into the main Compound is lined with greenery and flowers.
Grandad spent ten years in the army. He’s going to get suspicious very fast, and I need to make sure he behaves. I grip his arm. “Listen. You might see some unusual things, but if you’ve got questions, save them for when we’re in private. Okay?”
“If you say so, lad.” Grandad watches the Gilda as they see to the helicopter. We set off walking, only to be met by Kendrick. He nods to me and gives Grandad a smile. “Mr. West, I’m glad to meet you. Jacob speaks very highly of you. I’m Kendrick. Please, let me show you to your room.”
The big man himself playing host? Why? He’s suspicious, that’s why. He wants to get the measure of Grandad himself. I can understand his nervousness. All the contractors brought into the Compound are ruthlessly vetted, extremely well paid, and forced to sign contracts full of terrifying clauses. They know full well what will happen if they spill Brotherhood secrets.
Kendrick is doing me a massive fucking favor, bringing Grandad onsite. I hate feeling like I owe anyone anything, but in this case, it’s worth it. There would have been zero chance of getting Ruth inside the Compound walls—the only women who set foot here are Wards—but Kendrick was prepared to stick his neck out this far for me.
If his goal is to ensure he has my loyalty, he’s managed it.
“My room?” Grandad glances between Kendrick and me. “Thought I was staying with you?”