Page 38 of Brutal Savior

“No, you won’t. And Quinn,” She spins back to me, still smiling. I could get used to that expression. “Best behavior. I mean absolute perfection between now and then, or you’ll spend the evening in your cage instead.”

Chapter Fifteen


The rest of theday passes in a tense blur as I watch my mouth, not wanting to do anything to screw up girls' night. They have to have something in the works, some plan to escape. Whatever it is, I want in on it.

I feel better in clothes that actually fit me, though I wish Jacob had let me get some jeans. I walk out of the shop in a little denim skirt, a white tank top, and a funky purple sweater. New boots, too, with a chunky heel.

Jacob takes me straight home, orders us another ridiculous feast for lunch, and disappears to the bedroom to make some calls. The food arrives, and as we dig in, he announces that he’s sorted things out with Gabriel. Girls’ night is on.

“Was he happy about it?” I spoon chicken fried rice into my mouth, perching awkwardly on a chair at the dining table. It still hurts to sit, and Jacob hasn’t offered me a cushion or anything. I won’t give him the satisfaction of getting one either.

Jacob snorts. “What do you think? But don’t worry. I persuaded him. He’ll be on guard duty right outside Annie’s place, though, with a member of the Gilda to help him. If you cause any trouble, they’ve got orders to take you straight home and lock you in the cage till I get back.”

“But what if I need to pee?” I blurt out before realizing what my question should have been. “And where are you going?”

“You hold it or piss yourself. Either way I don’t really care. And I’m presenting at a conference. Their speaker dropped out.”

I stare at him. Presenting at a conference? I still can’t reconcile the Jacob I see daily and the one I keep hearing about. The rough ex-soldier with a heavy right hand versus the genius who gives speeches at conferences. Maybe he has a twin and the two of them just pretend to be one person like in that old movie about the magician.

“What are you going to talk about?” I reach for a crunchy spring roll. The food here is awesome. I’ll give this place that much.

“Now that is a good question. I’m going to have to spend this evening and most of tomorrow figuring that out, I’m afraid.”

I press my hand to my chest in mock horror. “What, no more punishments? How will I cope?”

His lip twitches up toward a smile. He’s not as serious as he’s making himself out to be. “Don’t worry. I’ll save them all up for tomorrow, with interest.”

“And what am I supposed to do with myself? Can I go for a walk? See some more of the place?”

He takes a big swig of his water. “Nice try. You can watch some TV. Or read a book.”

“Oh.” It’s too normal—and boring—an answer. “What about gaming? If you’re really a nerdy scientist, you must be into gaming, right?”

“Waste of bloody time.”

I draw in a breath. “How dare you! Gaming is—”

“Quinn. You’re here for a long time, it’s not going to be all action every minute. Just keep yourself busy.”

A long time. Once I get to girls’ night, we’ll see about that.

A few hours later, I doze off in front of Netflix and wake to Jacob lifting me off the couch. “I can walk,” I mumble into his chest, but he just says, “Of course you can,” in his patronizing voice and carries me into bed. I fall asleep almost instantly as the bed dips next to me with his weight.


I wake snuggled deep into the covers and lie there as everything comes back slowly. Jacob. Where is he? Eyes open, I try to sit, but something yanks me back. I claw at my neck, finding the stupid collar there. He must have locked it on in my sleep.

I crane my neck the limited distance I can, finding no one there. A light, fluttery sense of panic starts in my chest. Where is he? I tug on the chain as a reflex, but it’s going nowhere.

“Jacob?” I try to inject irritation into my voice, but anxiety slips through, and it comes out weak. “Jacob? Where are you?”


My breathing picks up. I didn’t think I was claustrophobic, but I’ve never really tested the theory. I’m fine with crowds, but this? Only being able to move a few inches? Nope. I don’t like this at all.
