Page 71 of Joined By Magic

The king snorted. “Oh, to be young again.”

I stiffened. A meaningless platitude to a casual observer, but he hinted at his disgusting plan, even now.

Leo laughed in response.

The meal dragged on, dozens of tiny courses. I ate woodenly, not tasting any of it. Soon.

As servants cleared plates, the master of ceremonies stepped up. He was a small, round man with red cheeks and a booming voice that didn’t sound like it belonged to him.

“Your Majesty, Your Highness, my lords and ladies, welcome.” His face twisted into an unctuous grin. I disliked him instantly. “How fortunate we are to be here celebrating such a marriage! Please join me in congratulating the happy couple.” Stilted applause broke out again.

The emcee turned to Leo. “Your Highness, would you care to say a few words?”

My mouth went dry, and I clenched my hands under the table. This was it. Leo stood, pulling me up with him, as planned. Step one: separate ourselves from the king. We stood beside the emcee.

Leo smiled at the crowd. I kept my eyes on him, avoiding the temptation to look for signs of movement in the throng of guests. Garron’s men, closing in on the king.

“Thank you so much for joining us to celebrate this special day.” Leo’s voice rang out clear across the silent tables. “Myself and my bride are delighted to have you all here.”

He appeared relaxed, warm, and happy, as if he were just giving a wedding speech. How did he manage it? My face felt frozen with the effort of keeping it neutral, and my stomach churned.

“I’ve prepared a short vid I’d like you all to see.” I risked a glance at the crowd. Smiling faces, relaxed by wine and the party atmosphere. Everyone probably expected a picture montage, or something equally boring. Leo gestured to one of Garron’s men off to the side, who set the device running.

Now. This was the moment. An image came to life, hanging in the air. The king during one of his and Leo’s private meetings. I stared at the king. His face melted from confusion to absolute fury as the vid began to play. Garron moved up behind him and—

The king vanished.


Leo hissed, frozen in shock. No one was supposed to be able to teleport. Garron had assured us. Had he betrayed us as he had Adante? I gripped Leo’s arm. “What happened?”

Leo glared at the spot the king had vacated. “I don’t know. Fuck. He must know how to counteract the blocker or—”

Leo stared down at his chest. His clothes were intact, nothing visible I could see, but he clutched at a spot just above his heart and fell to his knees.

“Leo!” My voice came out in a desperate howl. I dropped down beside him.

“Liv, I—”

Commotion hit the crowd. Confused shouts.

“Nobody move.” An amplified voice cut across the rising noise. Icy horror doused me, pouring through me in a freezing flood. That voice. I heard it in my nightmares, taunting Leo as I lay dying, poison burning my veins.

Leo struggled to his feet, movements sluggish. I rose with him and turned in a circle like a cornered rabbit. Where . . .

Prince Adante strolled out from the shadows at the back of the room. Dressed in plain dark trousers and a white shirt, his hair cut short, he looked nothing like the man I remembered. But his eyes were the same—so similar to Leo’s—and they were fixed on him with searing rage. He held a small black device pointed right at Leo. A purple shield shot out and encased Adante in a tight protective dome.

The crowd froze. I searched for Garron but couldn’t see him. Three black-clad men moved protectively in front of us, weapons raised, and one threw up a green shield.

The prince walked forward. His form shimmered through the lenses of the shields. “Congratulations on the wedding.” His cold eyes fell on me. “And to you.” I shuddered under his gaze.

Leo lifted his hand. I braced for the burst of magic, ready to leap out of the path of the upcoming fight. Nothing happened. Leo glanced down, then back up at Adante, and I drew in a breath at his expression.


Adante smiled. “So my invention worked. You’re my very first test subject.” He came closer, and Leo watched, hand extended, body tight. “I’ve taken your magic. It’s permanent. You’re as helpless as your wife.”

Chapter Thirty-Four