“Goodbye.” This time the voice was audible and angry. Atalie was frozen, face twisted in despair. The room fell silent.
Atalie’s bright green eyes filled with tears. “He’s dead.”
Horror settled low in my heart. I realized I’d been braced for bad news, but not this. I’d expected to hear something had happened to the old doctor. Not Atalie’s lover.
Hex and I sprinted to Atalie, wrapping her in a tight hug. Damien and Peter hovered, faces grim. Anger displaced my sadness. It had to be something to do with the king. That bastard. He held life so cheaply.
Adante had the right idea, killing him.
I recoiled from the thought. Atalie let out another choked sob. I squeezed my eyes shut against the rage that filled me.
“We’ll find out what happened,” I promised.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Leoreturnedtoourroom earlier than I’d expected. I frowned as he appeared. “That didn’t take long. I thought the king would keep you busy for a while.”
He pulled off his cloak—silver with bright swirls of red, today—and draped it over a dining chair before he sat beside me on the sofa. I’d gotten used to his royal clothes, and even started to like them. The fussiness of them still annoyed Leo, though. “I didn’t speak to him. His guard told me he wasn’t feeling well. I wasn’t about to argue.”
He closed his eyes and stretched out, feet in my lap. I rubbed them absently as a suspicion rattled through me. Something was going on. “I’ve got to talk to you about him. Atalie said he dismissed his doctor, the one he’s had for years.”
Leo didn’t open his eyes. “Oh. I forgot to mention it, but the king found out about our healing mages from somewhere and was desperate to see if they could help with his illness. I managed to contact Doctor Hanna. You’ll remember him—he healed you. He couldn’t use the portal, so it took him a week to get here. He arrived yesterday, but I’ve been too busy to pay him a visit. Maybe the king’s old doctor took offense?”
Possible, but it didn’t quite ring true. Surely a medical professional would be fascinated by new healing techniques? “There’s more. Atalie was dating one of the old doctor’s aides. She tried to call him today, but he’s dead. She’s so upset.”
Leo’s eyes opened, and his forehead creased. “Does she know how?”
“No. Whoever she spoke to was angry. They put the phone down on her.”
His fingers tapped on his thigh as he thought, then he fished in his pocket for his link-up. “I’ll call the old doctor.” He pressed a button. “Hello. I need to contact Doctor Garimond.” A pause. “Yes, I’m aware of that. Put me through to his personal number, please.”
Another pause, longer this time. Leo’s eyes met mine, worried, as we waited. The line clicked, and I heard a woman’s voice on the other end, though I couldn’t make out her side of the conversation. “This is Prince Leopold.” A short silence. “No need for that. I’m hoping to speak with Doctor Garimond?”
This time, Leo fell quiet for a long time, and I made out the unmistakable sound of sobbing. My stomach dropped. The horrible sensation of being right about something I didn’t want to be. Leo drew in a sharp breath. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” More sobbing. “I promise, you and your family will be taken care of. I’ll see to it personally.”
Leo clicked the link-up off. “He’s dead.”
“I guessed. How?”
“His wife said it was gang thugs, but I don’t think she believed it. She sounded terrified. I’ll have Garron send a man to watch the place.”
My hand still held Leo’s foot, and I realized I’d been gripping it. I loosened my fingers. “I’m worried about Doctor Hanna. Can we visit him?”
“Good idea.” Leo got to his feet. “I’ll call Garron, then we’ll go.”
The royal physicians lived in opulent rooms close to the king’s quarters. The position was a tough one, with the twin difficulties of a disease whose progression was slow but unstoppable, and a horrible patient. A nightmare. They deserved all the luxury they got.
Leo gripped my hand as we approached. A tall, skinny guard at the door jumped when he saw Leo, snapping to attention and dropping into a low bow. “Your Highness. Are you unwell?”
“No. I’m here to visit with Doctor Hanna. He’s an old friend of my family.”
The guard’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “I’m sorry, Your Highness. The king gave express orders that no one is to enter here. The doctor exhausted himself treating His Majesty earlier.”
Leo seemed to grow in height as he loomed over the poor guard. “Are you trying to tell me where I can go in my own palace?”
“No, Your Highness, sorry. But the king—”