Page 35 of Joined By Magic

Leo stroked my other nipple as I calmed, the clip a bright flare of relentless pressure. I tensed as he readied the other clip, taking his time, drawing out the anticipation.

Prepared, I only gasped as the second clip bit into me. He pushed me down flat on my back and slid his hand between my legs, fingers plunging deep.

I whimpered as his thumb grazed my clit, and my deprived body reacted. I craved it, the pleasure only he was permitted to give me. A desperate neediness overtook me, shocking in its intensity. I fought the urge to beg him right away.

“You want this, don’t you?” he said, voice low and mocking. “It’s been a few days. How cruel of me. First things first, though.” He took his hand away, and I groaned at the sudden emptiness.

I closed my eyes. He’d told me what he intended, and I didn’t want to look into his eyes while he did it. With my eyes closed, I could focus on the sensations and try to block out the shame. His finger, coated in a cool liquid, pressed against the entrance to my ass.

His other hand went back to work tracing slow, teasing circles around my clit. I pressed myself into his hand. The right pressure in the right place, and I’d tip over the edge. He pulled his hand away, not letting me find the rhythm I needed. That bastard. Why did he have to know my body so well?

He slid his finger into me. I jerked in shock at the burning pain, which faded as my body stretched to accommodate him. A moment later, a second finger joined the first. I squeaked. As the pain dulled, a sensation of fullness replaced it. He moved his fingers inside me, and I whimpered in protest. This new violation was so strange I struggled to process it.

“Open your eyes.”

I did, and found him watching with fascination and hunger.

“Maybe I won’t bother with the plug tonight. Maybe I’ll make you come like this, with my fingers deep in your ass. Does that sound good, Liv?” He was breathless, the words spilling out fast.

“Yes!” It was the best idea he’d ever had. “Yes. Please. Now.”

A ringtone sounded out.


Not again. His link-up. Wait. Not his. Mine.

“Ignore it.”

He smiled in a way I didn’t like and stretched his free hand out to grab my device from the bedside table. He answered it.

“Hello, Celia. Good to hear your voice, it’s been too long. We must catch up soon.” A pause. “Yes, she’s here.” I shook my head frantically at him, but he ignored me. “Just a moment.”

He held out the device. “Please no,” I whispered. He only raised an eyebrow and pressed it into my hand.

My fingers shook as I clutched it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Liv? It’s Celia. Just calling to run through the projects I mentioned.”

I tried to collect myself. Leo moved his fingers, the pressure in unfamiliar places a torrent of distracting sensation.

“Great. Thank you,” I forced out, voice breathless to my own ears.

Leo ducked his head between my legs. His tongue slid over my most sensitive spot with merciless, delicious strokes, battering me with pleasure. The ache in my ass from his stretching fingers only added to the overload of feeling. I tried my hardest to concentrate on Celia’s voice.

“So you’re still keen for lunch tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course. Looking forward to it.” I stammered the words out as I tried to move away from Leo, but a flash of blue magic locked me to the bed. The relentless pleasure continued. I couldn’t think.

“Good. We’ve got three big ongoing projects at the moment. We’re funding literacy tutors in the settlements—disgusting hellholes, we struggle to find anyone willing to take on the job—and that’s proving popular. Then there’s . . .”

Her words were an endless stream. I floated in it, trying to make appropriate noises at appropriate times. Zantus help me, my climax was building. The release I’d craved so desperately. I had to hold it off for another couple of minutes. With horror, I realized Celia had stopped talking.

“Erm, sorry, I missed that last bit,” I managed. Leo held me right on the edge with expert precision. With his free hand, he flicked the clamps that trapped my nipples. I covered my gasp with a cough as a renewed wave of pain shot from my nipples straight into my groin.

“I asked if you had any questions about tomorrow?”

“No. Thank you.” Had I sounded normal?