Page 84 of Joined By Magic


Ipacedtheprince’shurriedly assembled war room. The guards had left to collect the Dexian party. High-placed windows let the sun stream into the large space, illuminating a table holding several maps. The summer palace only had three dedicated prison cells. The remaining Dexians had been under house arrest in their rooms, their doors and windows shielded. They should have enjoyed a more comfortable night than the prince’s brother and his wife.

The guards ushered in the group of four—two men and two women. The bulky woman—Hexara—fixed me with a searing glare. She stood even taller than I did, and powerful muscles lay beneath her T-shirt. I could hold my own in a fight, but that one looked like she’d kick the shit out of a brick wall.

A blue-clad orderly pushed an older man in a wheelchair through the door. The four Dexians crowded around him, all talking at once, until he waved them away. His wild curly hair and kind eyes made me like him immediately. When he cleared his throat to speak, the rest of the group quieted. He fixed his gaze on me.

“Young lady, who might you be?” The words could have been condescending, but in his polite tone, they sounded matter of fact. I smiled.

“Talia. I—” I paused. How was I to introduce myself? Until this point, everyone had seemed to know who I was. “I work for Prince Adante.” It was as good a description as any. Hexara let out a snort and exchanged a glance with the skinny woman. I ignored her. Bitch.

Andrew nodded. “I see. In that case, please could you tell me what is happening with my son and his wife? Are they safe and well?”

His voice was controlled, but I didn’t miss the tremor that ran through him as he asked the question. He was terrified. And he’d saidmy sonwithout the slightest hesitation. The prince had asked scornfully, once, what sort of man would raise another man’s child? This man had, and he appeared to love him as his own. How would the prince have turned out if raised by a man like this?

“They’re safe and free. I have a lot to tell you.” I outlined the situation as briefly as possible. “We’re all going to be transported to a safe house until the fighting is over.”

“No fucking chance,” the big blond man shot back. “I don’t need a babysitter. I can fight.”

“Only mages can—” I broke off as Leopold appeared, Liv by his side. The man teleported everywhere. The pair had a suspicious glow about them. It seemed they’d made good use of their time. Liv looked far more comfortable, in a pair of loose gray trousers and a green shirt, and he’d dressed for action in black battle fatigues. He gave his bride a soft look, then dropped her hand and strode to his adopted dad, sinking to a crouch beside his chair.

“Dad. How are you?” His quiet words carried in the silent room.

“Leo!” Andrew threw his arms around Leopold’s neck as best he could from his seated position. “I thought . . .” He pulled back and studied his son “All night, I thought . . .”

He looked down, chest heaving. Leopold squeezed his shoulder. “I’m fine, Dad. Really. How are you?”

Andrew swallowed and pulled himself together. “I’m okay. They fixed me up. I might need a spot of help to get to this safe house of yours, though. Not sure I can teleport quite yet.”

Leopold gripped his father’s hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll take you.”

The simple affection between them squeezed my heart in a vice. The prince had never had anything like that. The only father he’d known was the man he was about to kill.

The prince swept into the room flanked by five guards. I recognized a couple, part of his small group of elites. Could they be trusted? They’d followed Garron and aided in the search for the prince. But a good soldier obeyed whoever was in charge, and right now, that was him.

The Dexian group’s reaction was immediate and shocking. The big blond man stepped forward, putting his body in front of the women in a protective stance. Liv’s eyes went wide with terror, and Hexara grabbed her arm, glaring daggers at the prince. I blinked at the scene. They viewed the prince as something feral and dangerous that might turn on them at any moment.

The prince raked scornful eyes over the group, then nodded to his brother. Leopold got to his feet, and the two men stood awkwardly until the prince gestured to the map. “Where do you want to leave your people?”

Leopold waved to the middle-aged man. “Peter, take a look. What do you suggest?”

Peter approached. I placed him. The smuggler. Leopold must have employed him. He frowned at the map, tracing his finger over it. “I had a couple of bolt-holes. As far as I know, they’re still intact. I can’t be sure. Here, and here. Both should be stocked with supplies”

The two men bent to look. “This one.” The prince stabbed the map. “It’s closer to the Alarian border. It would give them a better chance at survival.”

Leopold nodded. “I agree. Is everything prepared? The weaponry?”

“You sound eager to try it out. Once we transport this group, we’ll arm ourselves and move.”

“I’ll go first with Peter.” Leopold stood and took the older man’s arm. “Ready?” He nodded, and they vanished.

No one broke the silence. The tension in the room grew thick. The prince approached me and spoke in a low voice. “You have your papers?”

I nodded and touched the spot on my thigh where I’d affixed my false ID, under the sensible black trousers I’d changed into. Nervous energy crawled through my veins.

The prince’s brother reappeared, alone. “It’s good. Undisturbed.” He held out his hand to Liv. She took it without a word, and they both vanished.

The prince gripped my arm, and our eyes met. I nodded once, and the world dropped away.