Page 31 of Joined By Magic

“Sh. Be silent and still.” He waved a hand at the lake. “I’m sure I saw a pod over by the jetty.”

Suppressing a sigh, I stood beside him. I’d long since given up on the razorbacks, deciding they must be a tale made up to scare schoolhouse kids. The prince still watched for them most days, when he took a break from working. I squinted across the water in the dimming light.

Movement caught my eye, and I gasped as something shot past us. The tip of a fin—no, fins. A cluster moved at breakneck speed, zigzagging over the calm water. The prince hissed. I counted four: two long and curved, and two smaller.

“A family group. Two juveniles.” Triumph filled his voice. I abandoned the fish and turned to watch the prince. His face, which had grown pale from long hours inside, was alive with satisfaction. “They’re incredibly rare. Fished almost to extinction. We’re lucky to have seen them.”

His enthusiasm made me smile, and I leaned my head against his shoulder to watch the creatures as they zipped about. His arm settled around my waist, and we stood in companionable silence. Things were often tense between us, the stress making him snappish and mean. My thoughts strayed to what a lifetime in Alaria could be like. The endless, wide-open freedom of the place drew me like a magnet. But then, at moments like this, everything felt right again.

We watched the razorbacks until darkness fell, then headed in for dinner.

“Did anything happen in town? Any news?” He prodded the fire back to life.

My conversation with Katrin flashed by, but I suppressed the thought. It wasn’t a big deal. No reason to worry the prince. “Nothing, unless you want to hear about a disastrous date one of my friends had.”

“I’d rather not.”

I smiled and set to preparing dinner. If I could hang onto this life a little longer, I would.

Chapter Fifteen


Aweekaftermypunishment, breakfast arrived as usual. I’d made it a morning routine to start the day with breakfast in bed, however early Leo’s first meeting was. He seemed to love it too. The kitchen sent up an omelet with a side of juicy star-berries and cream, usually my favorite, but today I could only pick at it.

I sipped my sugary coffee, trying to calm my racing mind. Today was my first day as a member of the education committee.

Leo polished off the last of his star-berries and edged closer. “Nervous?”

“A bit.”

A lot, but I didn’t want to add to his long list of worries.

“I bet you are. I can help with that.” He stroked his hand up my leg.

Desire flared to life, instant heat. Our time together had been short lately, with Leo split between Atar and Dexia. We’d had little opportunity for fun. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

Leo laughed and rolled on top of me, spreading my knees apart. I breathed out in satisfaction at the weight of him pressing me into the bed. He captured my lips in a kiss.

The warble of his ringtone cut through the quiet. The emergency tone—the one he had to answer, day or night.

“Shit!” He dove across the bed to grab the link-up from his bedside table. “Yes? What? I’m on my way.” He hung up, stared at the link-up, then flung it onto the carpet. He stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Shock doused my frustration. I retrieved the link-up. Not broken. Leo usually kept himself together so well, a sigh or a sharp comment the only signs his temper was fraying. I watched the bathroom door until he emerged, hair done, and started dressing.

“Sorry.” His voice was clipped. “There’s been an altercation between the Ataran group and someone from the Assembly. Of course, I have to deal with it myself. No one in this place can make a fucking decision without me holding their hand.”

“Maybe Ellory could—”

“Ellory is a yes-man, he doesn’t think.”

He finished dressing in silence, sighed, and regarded me, face softening. “Look. Have a good day. I’m sure you’ll do well.” He bent to kiss me on the forehead. With a ghost of a smile, he stroked his thumb over my nipple. “We’ll have some fun later. Wait for me naked. I want to come home and find you like this.”

He vanished.

I flopped back onto my pillow. That hadn’t helped my nerves one bit. I stroked my hands down my body but didn’t delve between my legs, despite the intense temptation. The rules of our relationship were a work in progress, always evolving, but it was set in stone that he decided when, and if, I orgasmed. My sexual pleasure belonged to him.

I loved the loss of control. The anticipation of waiting, naked, as ordered, to see what he had planned for me on his return. His constant teasing kept me primed and ready, waiting for his touch to light me on fire. It was intoxicating.