He examined me, eyes bright, as his fingers traced maddening circles around my clit. Dear Zantus, just looking at him drove me to desperation. The wicked expression on that perfect face was almost too much to bear.
“When I say so.”
I flopped back onto the bed in defeat. He would draw this out as long as he wanted.
With a wild grin, he kicked his trousers off and rolled on top of me, balanced on his forearms. His lips met mine, and I arched my body toward him, knees spread wide. He traced his tongue along the curve of my ear, then paused, looking at me. The solid length of his erection pressed against my entrance, and I squirmed under him.
“Now?” he asked.
I could hear the smile in his voice.
“Yes. Please!”
He entered me inch by inch. My body stretched, welcoming him in. I slid my hands down his back, clutching him.
His teeth grazed my neck. I gasped at the shock of it. My nerves sang—pleasure as he moved, pain from his weight on my damaged skin. The sensations blended, a maelstrom of desire.
He thrust again, faster and harder. My breath came in quick gasps, my body tightening around his cock. Every stroke hit the point deep inside me that only he could reach. My mouth fell open, eyes closed, and a wild moan escaped. My nails dug into his skin, everything focused on the hard, driving force of him.
Harder. Deeper. Please.
My climax hit me fast, a brutal wave. I wrapped my legs around him. My sore skin screamed, but I didn’t care. I clung to him as ecstasy rippled through me. He pinned me to the bed with his hips in a final deep thrust. His fingers dug into my shoulders, his lips parted, and he closed his eyes.
“Liv!” My name spilled out like a caress. It gave me a strange sense of power. He controlled my pleasure in every way—but only I brought him joy like that. My orgasm faded into a soft afterglow of pure relaxation.
He smiled down at me, kissed my forehead, then rolled off and wrapped me in a tight embrace. The moments ticked by, and he sighed. “We have to get up. I’ve abandoned my own celebration.”
I curled into him like a stubborn cat. “Let’s just stay here.”
Pointless, but I had to try. He laughed and shifted, dislodging me. I huffed as he collected our discarded clothing and buttoned his shirt. He shot me a stern look. “Get dressed. The Atarans won’t care if I take you out naked, and you know how much I’d enjoy it.”
He was joking. Probably. I flew off the bed anyway and pulled on my dress. I’d been bored in the palace with nothing to do, but now I missed the peace. Craved the quiet evenings with Leo I’d taken for granted.
My resolve hardened as I repaired my makeup in the mirror. One more night, and we’d never have to see Atar again.
We walked to the Great Hall rather than teleporting. A little break to get back into character. Adante waited near the door. My heart sank. He’d enjoyed my pain and fear. It disturbed me in a way I struggled to process. As twisted as it sounded, I only wanted Leo to hurt me. When he fulfilled his sadistic desires on my skin, it was something beautiful. Another man taking it from me felt like a violation.
Adante cast a knowing look between us. “Lord Commander. I was about to send a search party. I trust you enjoyed yourself?”
My face heated. Did no one here have any shame? Dexia was far too prudish, but still. I’d welcome a bit of decorum.
Leo didn’t falter. “I did. She can be fun, with the right motivation.”
Adante laughed as my toes curled. “Join me for a drink in my private bar. Something that wasn’t bottled in the last ten years. I’ve got some alterations to the treaty to run by you.”
“Nothing too drastic, I hope?”
“Oh no, just a few technical details. It’s this way.”
We followed the prince. The palace sprawled, corridors branching off in every direction. Impossible to keep track. We passed a few people, but far less than earlier in the day. They must be at the party or at home.
Adante stopped at an arched wooden door, carved with vines and recessed into the wall.
“This part of the palace is much older. It was built over five hundred years ago,” he explained. “We’ve kept some of the original features.”
He opened the door, and we entered. A narrow entertainment space awaited us, laid out like a taphouse, but in miniature. A fire burned in a hearth with chairs arrayed around it. Two spindly wooden tables sat between the fire and the entrance. To the left, bottles, spirits of every kind, lined the walls.
Small containers hung from the ceiling. Glowing liquid swirled within, providing a dim light. More magic? Oak paneling added to a cozy feeling. A flicker of movement caught my eye. Colorful fish swam in a wall-mounted tank. Under different circumstances I’d have pressed my face against the glass to watch them, but I couldn’t draw attention to myself. I stuck close to Leo’s side.