Page 83 of Ruled By Magic

The king shrugged. “Our tech is the best in the world. Prince Adante made sure of that.” The prince nodded to his father, acknowledging the compliment. “We have no shortage of markets. What else?”

Leo glanced at Adante. “You won’t keep wasting men trying to kill me. I won’t destabilize things by making a play for the throne here. My life is in Dexia, and I want Atar as an ally, nothing more. I’m happy to sign legal documents to that effect.”

Adante and the king exchanged a look.

“What are you hoping to gain for yourself and Dexia?” Adante asked.

“An end to hostilities, and the ability to purchase your technology. I want to buy direct. You also have an associate of mine in custody. I’d like him released to me.”

“And the name of this associate?” Adante leaned forward. Either he was putting on an act, or he hadn’t expected this.

“Peter Barton. He conducted smuggling activities, but we had an arrangement. Your men picked him up at the courthouse when you were looking for me.”

Adante’s face darkened. “He’s in the cells. I’m not about to release a man who stole my tech—”

“Now, Son,” The king cut in. Adante stiffened at the interruption. “Let’s not allow petty grudges to influence things.”

Adante’s expression went blank, a carved mask, but his anger filled the room. Without meaning to, I shifted closer to Leo’s feet.

The king stared his older son down. “If Leopold is prepared to forgive your unsanctioned assassination attempts, then we can move forward. I agree there’s no need to—”

Leo shot to his feet, then bowed to the king. “I’m so sorry, Your Majesty, my head of security activated an alert. May I be excused to investigate?”

The king’s brows came down, and he let out his breath in an irritated huff. “I suppose. Adante, see what the problem is.”

Leo’s hand fell on my shoulder, and the world went black.

We appeared in a corridor filled with shouting. I blinked, getting my bearings. Two figures rolled on the floor, exchanging blows. A man in uniform and—

“Hex!” I screamed. “What the hell!”

Blue power shot from Leo, lifting and separating the pair. Hex and an Ataran struggled against their bonds, glaring at each other. Adante rounded the corner of the corridor.

“What’s happening here?” The prince strode over to the Ataran. The man’s face morphed from anger to horror when he saw who bore down on him.

“Your Highness,” he stammered, “I—”

Adante slapped him across the cheek. Still held in Leo’s magic and unable to defend himself, his head snapped back at a painful angle. He didn’t make a sound. The prince leaned toward him.

“These people are our guests, and I find you brawling in the corridor with one of them? What happened?”

“She attacked me, Your Highness!”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it!” yelled Hex from across the room. All eyes turned to her. “You were right up in my face.”

“What happened, Damien?” Leo did a good job of projecting calm, but I saw anger under the surface. He’d been reluctant to bring Hex, and it looked like he’d been right.

Damien stepped forward and bowed. “From what I saw, Lord Commander, this guy came up to Hex and said something. I didn’t hear what. She got angry, he squared up to her, she pushed him, and then the fight started.”

Leo closed his eyes and took a breath. “I’m going to release you both. If either of you moves a muscle, you’ll be very sorry.”

Hex and the Ataran slumped as the magic disappeared.

“What did you say to her?” asked Adante, his voice soft.

The man studied the floor. “I said—” He swallowed. “I said the Dexians must have no men with balls, if they’re sticking whores in uniform.”

Adante shook his head. “Creative.” He turned to Hex. “And you responded to this insult with violence?”