Page 78 of Ruled By Magic

Color assaulted my senses as soon as the world came back into focus. We stood in a large hall, big enough to entertain a hundred people. High ceilinged, every wall was a riot of patterns. Colored tapestries and murals covered each surface. The floor was just as bright, a mix of tiles in an abstract design. The clashing shades and designs hurt my eyes. Tables laden with food lined one wall, while on the other, musicians tuned their instruments.

Adante cast a hand around the room. “We’ve prepared a small gathering. I’ll have you shown to your rooms. Once you are refreshed, the girls will escort you back here for food and wine. Bring all of your party, or none, it doesn’t matter. We’ll talk more once you return.”

He gave Leo a last nod, strode to the door, said something to a stern man in a gray uniform, then left. The man approached, bowing low to Leo. “Lord Commander, I’m House Steward Grayson. I shall attend to your needs during your stay.” He glanced at Damien, who held our baggage. “Leave those. I’ll have it taken care of. Follow me please, my lord.”

He led us through a maze of corridors as vivid as the main hall. The beginning of a headache crept up my temples. I’d pictured the Ataran palace as similar to Dexia’s: tasteful and posh. A failure of my imagination. The world must hold so many interesting, wonderful places. With Leo, I might get to visit some of them. Provided we survived the next few days.

Grayson led us up a small side corridor with six doors. “We’ve allocated the whole corridor for your use.” He opened the first door and showed us into an opulent suite, dominated by a huge carved four-poster bed topped with colorful woven throws. Two low-slung divans framed a coffee table, and through another door I glimpsed a freestanding claw-foot tub.

Very nice.

“This suite is for you. The others are for the use of your staff. Every room holds a terminal with a contact button. It calls me any time of the day or night. Anything you need—refreshments, girls—don’t hesitate. I’ll leave you to get settled and send girls to escort you when you’re ready. Ah, here’s the luggage. Do you require help to unpack?”

“No, my staff will take care of that.”

Grayson bowed low again, then left.

Leo turned to Damien. “Allocate everyone a room. I’ll see you out here in twenty minutes.” Damien sketched a bow, followed a second later by Hex.

“Yes, Lord Commander.” Atalie gave a slow, respectful nod, then Leo closed the door.

A shield sprang up. Leo pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. Relief coursed through me. His coldness bothered me more than it should.

He drew back to examine me. “How are you holding up? I didn’t expect him to throw the promise of women at me the moment we arrived.” A smile tugged at his lips. “Are you proud I described you as well trained? Perhaps I should have brought along a leash. Purely for show, of course.”

I rolled my eyes. “Try not to enjoy this too much.”

He stroked a thumb over my cheekbone, and the smile slipped from his face. “I don’t like it. It felt like a test. He’s probably heard from his spies that we seem closer than we should, and he’s testing the theory. We’ll have to be careful. I’ll shout at you for something, be cruel, if the opportunity arises.”

“I’ll look forward to it.”

Refreshed, we rejoined the rest of the group. I froze in the doorway, mouth open, as I took in the women sent to escort us to the party. Three of them, all stunning, clad in outfits that made my dress seem modest. Thin gold bra tops, underwear which left their asses visible, and long, see-through skirts. Their feet were bare.

Two of them stood relaxed and surveyed our group with interest. The third hung back, eyes skimming the men.

The women bowed low to Leo. “We’ve been assigned for your personal use, my lord,” said one. “We’re to escort you to the party and take care of your needs during your stay.” Her voice held no emotion. Just a simple statement of fact. I shivered. “If you’d like a different selection of girls, please ask.”

As if they weren’t people, but commodities to be passed around. Leo nodded. “We’re ready to go.”

Back in the main hall, the band played a high tempo beat that made me want to tap my foot. A group of around twenty men chatted, holding drinks, and their haughty expressions indicated wealth. The prince entered, and they all sank into low bows. They remained bent over until Adante said, “Rise.”

He waved Leo forward. “Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Lord Commander Leopold Rahl of Dexia. Lord Commander, these are the members of my court.”

He introduced everyone in quick succession. I couldn’t keep track of the names, but Leo would. He once tried to teach me the memory trick he used, but I hadn’t picked it up.

Adante led us to a cluster of low seats. Atalie perched primly on the edge of a divan, garnering disapproving looks from some men. With a jolt, I realized I’d yet to see an Ataran woman, besides our escorts. Where were they all? Hex and Damien took up watchful positions to the side and, cringing at the indignity, I sank down to sit at Leo’s feet, just as we’d discussed.

Adante’s lip curled up as he looked down on me, then turned back to Leo. The rest of the men ignored me. It mustn’t be an unusual sight. I schooled my face to neutral, leaned against Leo’s thigh, and listened to the conversations. The Atarans peppered Leo with questions about Dexia, everything from trade routes to religion to cuisine. More of the serving girls appeared, bringing trays of food, which they offered to everyone but me. What position did they think I held? With my brand, they probably thought me worse off than them.

My stomach growled. The last meal I’d eaten had been hours ago, and I’d been too nervous to eat much. The spicy aromas made my mouth water.

Don’t be ridiculous. It’s been half a day. You won’t die.

Leo’s hand came down, holding a piece of fruit. I looked at him in confusion. He sighed. “Eat.” I did, taking the berry right from his fingers like a favored pet. One of the Atarans laughed, and a blush crept hot across my cheeks at the shame of it. Leo had to be enjoying this. The thought both intensified my embarrassment and twisted it into something almost pleasurable.

The evening dragged on, my hunger dulled but never satisfied by the occasional bites Leo fed me, to the amusement of his companions. After what felt like forever, I caught Leo’s attention and requested a bathroom break.

He nodded. “Take Hexara with you.”