Page 63 of Ruled By Magic

“Lunch,” called Damien, the chef of the group. He’d started a small fire and we gathered around it to eat. Without Hex, the sick tension that gripped me had drained away. I could breathe again.

Leo and the big man circled each other cautiously at first, but as the hours passed, they fell into conversation. Damien explained the workings of his firearms, and Leo asked probing questions. He hadn’t used them much. Why would he use weapons when he was one?

He laughed at something Damien said, and the sound shocked me. Away from the constant public scrutiny, the need to be in control, he was different. More relaxed. Even edging toward friendly. What must he have been like before he strapped the yoke of authority around his own neck?

Atalie caught my eye and slid her chair closer. She offered a smile. “This is a fascinating conversation. We should spend the next hour comparing hair products, see how they like it.”

“I had no idea he was a gun nut.”

Atalie refreshed my coffee from the pot over the stove. “Hex isn’t his biggest fan?”

A laugh forced its way from my throat, and I cringed at the bitterness in it. “That’s putting it mildly. I can’t blame her, but I don’t know how to fix it.”

“I’d love to say she’ll come round, but she seems stubborn as hell.”

I stared down at my coffee. “She is. They’re hoping to reach the courthouse tomorrow morning?”

“Yep. They’ll try to send word through on the link-up, not that we can rely on it. Once we know everything’s accepted, you two can decide if you want to go home or stay here until he recovers.” She leaned back in her chair. “I can’t wait to get home, I’m so sick of this bullshit packet food. I’m dying for fresh fruit and veggies. Something that isn’t brown.”

“Same! I’ve been dreaming about food for months. I love the palace restaurants, but they only serve fancy mage food. I want fried pig sausage, or spicy noodles in a paper cup. As soon as we get back, I’m going straight to the market.”

Atalie regarded me with sharp eyes. She leaned in to whisper. “It’s true, then? He’s released you? Hex said something, but she was all angry. You know how she is, I didn’t hear the full story.”

“Yes. It’s true.” A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. “We’re together.”

“Looks like you made a good deal, then. A few months eating fancy palace food and a rich new boyfriend. Gorgeous, too. I’d take that over prison any day.”

I checked Atalie’s face for malice but found none. She looked amused, as if this was great gossip. “Yes. Now I just need to convince Hex.”

Atalie stood to clear the plates and snorted. “Good luck with that.” She glanced at me. “Will he take his initials off your cheekbone? Now you’re a free woman?”

My hand flew to my cheek. I’d become so used to my mark, I didn’t notice it anymore. “I suppose so. I mean—yes. Of course. Once he gets his magic back.”

The realization brought a momentary pang of loss. My mark represented control, but also safety. The link between us had saved my life. Maybe he could just move it somewhere less obvious? I shook my head, disturbed by my thought process. Something else we’d need to discuss.

That night we zipped up the tent, alone for the first time since morning. A weak lantern bathed everything in a pallid yellow, leeching the color from the world. The chilly air raised goosebumps on my arms, and I dove beneath the blanket fully clothed.

Leo slid in behind me, his hand around my body, resting on my stomach. The knowledge that I was here by choice—a free choice of my own—sent a thrill through me, and I shuffled my back against his chest.In love.The words rang strangely in my head, too fragile and precious to hold for long.

“Are you happy?” I asked.

He sighed slowly against my hair, as if breathing in the scent of it. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

Contentment rolled through me, relaxing every muscle in my body. The last lingering shreds of anxiety about my decision withered away. It felt right. I was where I wanted to be. “Me, too.”

He landed a kiss on the top of my head. “Good.” His hand moved, drawing light circles over my stomach, and his voice changed to take on a dark, teasing timbre. “Because now I get to play with you forever.” He delved between my thighs, exploring the soft skin. A whimper escaped me as desire built, and I pressed my lips together. The canvas surrounding us suddenly seemed very thin, and the night far too quiet.

“I thought you were tired?” I whispered.

“I’m exhausted.”

He ran his finger through the seam at my center, grazing my clit. The tantalizing flare of sensation drew a gasp from me, and I parted my thighs. He laughed quietly, the sound vibrating against my back.

“Don’t get excited.” He stroked me again, slow and teasing. “This isn’t for your benefit.”

“Hmmm?” My sleepy brain was already relaxed into the rhythm of pleasure. His words rolled over me.

He played my body with his usual expert skill until I twisted against him, face pressed into the pillow to keep silent. Just as I approached the peak, he took his hand away and spun me to face him, pulling me against his chest. I pushed back to glare at him as frustrated need sent tremors through me. An ache throbbed at my center.