Page 55 of Ruled By Magic

I stifled a laugh. Hex hated the outdoors, refused to set foot out of the city for anything. Camping must be hell for her. “How do you run the lights?”

“A generator. We’ve camped here for a couple of weeks. It takes a while to get organized, so we don’t move unless we have to.”

I shivered, squinting into the shadows. Predators. “What defenses do you have?”

“Damien put down baited traps, as well as tripwires that set off an alarm if anything gets close. If something does, he’s got a shitload of weapons.”

“Right.” Damien still held Leo as he discussed something with Peter. “Who are these guys?”

Hex looked down. “I’d better let Peter decide how much to tell you. I’m sorry, it’s just—”

“No, I understand.” She wasn’t the only one keeping secrets. “I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

Peter waved us over. “Hex, clear out your stuff, you’re moving in with Atalie. Liv and his lordship can take your tent.”

“No!” Hex’s screech dragged all eyes to her. “It’s not right, you can’t make her share with him after—” Her gaze flicked to me before settling on Peter. “Liv and I will share, and he can go in with Damien.”

“No fucking chance.” Damien glared at Hex.


“It’s fine!” I stepped closer. “It’s fine. I don’t mind.”

“It’s not—” said Hex.

“It’s not up for debate!” snapped Peter. Hex fell silent. “Grab your stuff, then you three get supper sorted. Liv and I need to chat. Damien, get him inside.”

The group stood frozen, then fell to their tasks. Peter waved me to follow and ducked into the closest tent.

I watched Damien as he disappeared into a tent with Leo and emerged empty-handed. I fought the urge to check on him right away. Best not to piss Peter off. I followed him inside.

It was more luxurious than I’d expected. Cushions lined the front section, and a privacy screen hid the bedroom from view. At a gesture from Peter, I sat cross-legged next to him. The floodlighting outside provided enough illumination to see his face.

He studied me and held out his hand. “I should introduce myself. I’m Peter, and everyone out there is my crew. We’d started a ten-year stretch for smuggling, but I had other ideas. Damien is my security, and Atalie’s on the admin side of things. I’m trying to get my business up and running again.”

Relief curled through me as I shook his hand. Smuggling. Not too bad. They weren’t murderers. Smugglers of what? I’d ask Hex later.

“Thanks for helping us. And—was it you who organized the link-up?”

Peter nodded. “I’ve got a few contacts in the palace. Hex was frantic when we learned about the attack. We weren’t expecting you to bring the Lord Commander to our door but, given the circumstances, it might have worked out well.”

He’d taken a hell of a risk. I watched Peter, trying to work him out. It didn’t add up. He’d only known Hex for a few weeks. Why would he expose himself to send me a warning? I was missing something. “You organized the link-up just to help Hex out?”

Peter smiled, thin lips stretched out into a grin. “I’m not that generous. I’ll let Hex explain it all to you in a few minutes. But first, I need to know about your relationship with the Lord Commander.”

My stomach dropped. What did he mean, exactly?

Peter held up his hands. “Not the gory details. I can do without that. But Atalie pointed something out to me. You seem very comfortable with him. So, what’s the actual situation here?”

Confusion slowed my thoughts. Why did Peter care? He’d get his pardons either way if things went as I hoped. So what did it matter?

“It’s complicated—” I began, then broke off. How in the hell was I supposed to explain Leo and I to Peter, when I didn’t understand it myself?

“You’re not cursing his name, which tells me everything I need to know.” He sighed. “This could be a problem. Just give Hex’s offer serious thought. If you don’t take it up, that’s on you. But I’ll have to bring Hex with me when I get the pardons verified, or things might not go well while I’m away.”

“What offer?”

He smiled again. “Go and talk to Hex.”