Page 53 of Ruled By Magic

I edged into the break in the trees, dragging my foot to create a trail I could follow to the clearing. Inching along, I alternated shining the link-up ahead, into the looming dark, and behind, checking on my makeshift trail.

I squinted forward into the gloom and did a double take. A light. Fragile hope bloomed in my chest.

“Hex!” My voice cracked on the yell. “Hex! It’s Liv!” The light bobbed closer.

“Liv?” It was her! Relief liquefied my bones and I almost collapsed to the ground.

“Hex, it’s me! I’m over here.” The light veered in crazy circles as Hex broke into a run and her arms clamped around me in a crushing hug.

“You’re okay!” Hex’s shoulders trembled. “I thought—” She shook her head. “I can’t fucking believe you’re here.” Pulling back, one hand still on my arm, Hex examined me in the harsh torchlight. Her fingers gripped my shoulder with bruising force. Then her face softened, eyes blinking. She pulled me in for another hug. I clung on tight. We were both safe, and we’d found each other. She felt like a little piece of home.

Hex smiled again as she released me, then a shadow flitted across her face. “But how did you get here? I only sent the coordinates a couple of hours ago.”

My stomach dropped. How the hell would I explain Leo’s presence? Stalling, I took her hand and led her back along the trail. I paused at the entrance to the clearing and braced for a storm.

“Let me talk first. Don’t go off, okay?” The torchlight cast odd shadows on Hex’s features. “I teleported here. The Lord Commander brought me.”

Hex’s hands flew up, and her body stiffened. She swung the torch around, the light weaving up and down. She turned to me, betrayal written clear on her face. “What the fuck? You sold me out to him?”

“No!” I stepped toward her, and she flinched back. My heart lurched. “He just needs information on the group who attacked the palace.”

“Oh, really?” Hex’s voice dripped hard sarcasm. “He told you that, did he? And what about my friends? He’ll wave his hand and recapture us once he gets what he wants. Whatever he’s told you—” She swung the torch around again, as if she expected Leo to leap from the shadows.

Guilt choked me. Of course she was terrified. “He won’t—”

Hex cut me off with a harsh laugh. Frustrated, I grabbed the torch and pointed it at Leo’s body. “Look!”

Hex froze. She crept toward Leo as if he were a wounded bear. Bending down, she stared at his unmoving form.

“What’s wrong with him?”

I crouched next to her. “He burned himself out, used too much magic. He’s not dangerous now.” I held back from touching Leo’s cheek, checking his pulse again. He was so unnaturally still.

Hex snorted. “I wouldn’t bet on it.” She looked at me, face carved into harsh, angry lines. “This is good. We’ll leave him here and move camps. A predator or exposure will take care of him.”

My mind filled with gory images. I shuddered.

Hex went on. “You’ll be free of your sentence, and I can stay on the run. It’s perfect. Serves the bastard right.”

Only one argument might persuade her. Unlikely, but possible. “The thing is, he saved lots of lives tonight. He teleported all the palace staff to safety. He knew it could do this to him, and he did it anyway. I can’t leave him to die after that.”

Hex kept silent for a long time. With a deep sigh, she took my hand. “That’s unexpected. But Liv, it doesn’t erase what he did to me. And what he’s been doing to you for months.” Her face twisted in disgust. I cringed. I knew what she was imagining.

“Even the worst people can be noble sometimes. He doesn’t deserve your help. And what am I supposed to do?” She gestured toward the trees. “I’ve got others at my camp. Do you think I can just walk in and say I’m bringing the Lord Commander for a visit? It’s impossible.”

I hadn’t thought of that. Despair closed in, but the bright light of an idea cut through it. A risky one. “You can bargain with him. He needs to know who’s behind this attack. He’s burned out and needs your help. Ask him for a pardon.”

A thrill traveled through my limbs at the words. I was right, he did need Hex. Maybe she could gain her freedom and come back to the city. I shot a glance at Leo. Would he play along? Be furious? I’d have to make him see it had been my only option.

Hex watched me through narrowed eyes. My heart sank. She didn’t seem convinced.

“You think there’s a chance he’d do that? For meandmy companions?”

Her companions? Real criminals? Hex had been an unfortunate casualty of Leo’s campaign against me. I didn’t think he’d object to setting her free, not really. But the others?

“He will. He needs your help. Look where we are.” I cast an arm at the forest. “And look at him. What else is he going to do?”

Hex stood. “I need to talk to everyone. I’ll be quick.” She cast the torch beam over me. “What the hell are you wearing? You must be freezing. Here.” She pulled off her jacket and handed it to me.