“I’ve taken today off. I’m tired of the palace. We could do with a day in the outside world.”
My heart leapt. Since Hex’s escape, my days dragged. The palace walls closed in.
“That’d be amazing! Where are we going?”
“What do you feel like doing? We can go pretty much anywhere in Dexia. Nowhere crowded, though. I don’t want us surrounded by onlookers.”
His words sunk in. He wanted time with me. Not to show me off or make a point. Just to spend the day together. I swallowed, and a smile tugged at my lips. “How far can you teleport?”
“Far enough.” His face gave nothing away.
What did I feel like doing? Good question. My first instinct called me to the city, to visit old haunts and eat greasy food. What reaction would I get at Elsie’s Taphouse with the Lord Commander in tow? I stifled a laugh. No, that wouldn’t work.
“Maybe we could see some scenery, go on a hike or something. Spend the day outside.” So many places I hadn’t seen, and now I could. “A beach? Or a mountain?”
His face lit up. “I love to hike. None of my friends are interested. I used to go with my dad, but he’s getting old.” A shadow passed across his eyes. “And I haven’t had a chance lately, anyway.”
“Why do you have to work every day?”
He sighed. “A project has been taking up a lot of my time.” He paused, brow creased, before he continued. “Did you ever meet the old Lord Commander? I’m assuming not.”
“I saw him at the Harvest Parade a few times, but never spoke to him.”
“You didn’t miss much. He was an idiot. Stuffed the Assembly full of his cronies and they’ve done a lot of damage.”
I sat forward in my seat. He was chatty today, not deflecting me away from political topics as he usually did.
“What sort of damage?”
“He stripped funding out of defense. Most people in Dexia have no idea what it’s like outside, how dangerous some places are. It’s why I seized power. We need to protect ourselves. Without magical tech, we might as well paint a target on our backs and wait for invasion. I put forward a motion to allow limited use of it, and the Assembly threw it out yesterday.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not ready to force a direct confrontation with the priesthood yet.”
It sounded reasonable, but using the threat of external aggression to justify seizing power wasn’t new. Every petty tyrant in history tried that tactic.
“So, what’s your plan? Try again once you’ve built up more support?”
“Perhaps. But it’s hard. Positions aren’t merit based, so a lot of the Primes don’t give a shit about the territory.”
A delicate flutter of hope awakened in my chest. On this most vital of topics, we agreed. “It’s true. It’s a broken system. Why should power be based on wealth? Why not appoint experts in their field? And non-mages should have representation too.”
His brows rose. “You’re very demanding. Anything else?” Playful, not stern. “While I’m changing the world, I mean.”
He didn’t seem to expect a serious response, but I gave one anyway. “Limit how long Primes serve for. Lord Commanders too. Lifetime appointments make people lazy, I’d cap it at seven years.”
“So you want me out of a job before I’m forty?”
I shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll keep busy in retirement.”
He watched me, and the silence stretched. “We’re wasting the day. Get dressed. I’ll call the kitchens for supplies. I know just the place to go.”
I glanced down at my daytime uniform. “I am dressed.”
He moved closer, reached a hand to my face and slid it across my cheek, down the curve of my neck to my breast. He ran the pad of his thumb over my nipple until it hardened, then twisted it. The pain ignited desire, and I drew in a breath.
“Dressed? You’re barely even decent. I don’t know why you insist on wearing such scandalous clothes.”
Irritation warred with rising heat. I’d hoped he’d relent on my wardrobe as we grew closer, but he’d rejected all my pleas for proper clothing so far. The clear pleasure he took in the refusal only made it worse.
“It’s not by choice.”