Page 75 of Ruled By Magic

“It’s difficult to explain. It’s sort of like a game, but that’s not quite right. He spanks me sometimes, but it’s not—”

I trailed off. Hex’s face was all hard, angry angles. I fought against the tidal wave of embarrassment that threatened to engulf me and forced myself to continue.

“When he spanks me, I enjoy it.”

“You enjoy it? What the fuck are you talking about?”

I took a deep breath. “It turns me on. I don’t know why, but it does. Other people feel the same way. He’s got a book.”

“A book.” Disbelief laced her words. “He showed you a book about spanking. And suddenly, you like it. By a miraculous coincidence, you’re into the same weird shit as the man who owns your body. Can you see why I’m struggling to believe this?”

“I do, but you’re just going to have to trust me.” I took Hex’s hand. “I don’t want it to ruin our friendship. I know you’ll never like him. You don’t have to, but you need to accept that we’re together. I won’t change my mind.”

“But—fuck. What would you say to me if it was the other way round? Can you honestly say you’d be fine with it?”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the sofa. Exhaustion trickled through me. I’d argue just as hard if things were reversed. “I don’t know what else to say. I’m not an idiot, I can make my own decisions. He makes me happy.”

Hex let out a long breath and nodded. “Okay, but I won’t pretend I’m fine with this. I still think he’s got in your head and twisted you. I won’t fuck up the mission. But if you want to get out, I’ll always be here. You’re not trapped.”

I launched at Hex and pulled her in for a hug. Her stiff shoulders relaxed after a few seconds. “Thanks. I know everyone’s going to judge me, but I can’t lose you. My cousin called me a whore, and—”

“Fuck everyone else. Especially Sarina. She’s a stuck-up bitch,” Hex mumbled into my shoulder.

I laughed, and a little of the sadness I’d been carrying around drained away. It wasn’t perfect, but it felt like a step in the right direction. I released Hex and gave her a cautious smile. “It’ll be okay. I’d better find out what Leo wanted. See you later.”

She rolled her eyes but didn’t make a sarcastic comment. Progress. I headed upstairs. Our bedroom door was closed. A tremor of nerves ran through my stomach as I approached. I slowed my steps. Why was I anxious? Something about Leo seemed off today, more rattled than usual.

I pushed open the door. He rested on the bed, his back against the headboard, eyes closed. He opened them as I walked over.

“Are you okay?” I sat down. “Hex getting to you?”

He barked a laugh. “She’s incredibly annoying. I can feel her watching everything I do, analyzing everything I say. It’s exhausting. I’m afraid I’d had enough of her this morning.”

“She’s persistent, always has been. I just spoke to her, though. I think she’ll be better now.” I frowned. “What’s going on? You don’t seem yourself.”

He laughed again, with a wild note that set my skin prickling. “Oh, I’m myself. I’m more myself than I’ve been in a while.” He held out his hand. A blue flame danced along his fingers. “I can access my power. I’ve spent most of the night awake. It’s intoxicating, I wish I could show you.”

“Are you back to full strength?”

“No, about fifty percent. I rarely need more than that.” He leaned toward me, his eyes dark pools that drew me in. “There’s so much I should be doing, but I can’t concentrate. All I want is to play with you.”

Threads of unease and desire twisted in my veins, bringing all my senses alive. An aura of danger crackled around him this morning.

He waved a hand. A shimmering blue shield appeared, encasing the room. “I’ll make sure we’re not overheard this time. Don’t want to give Hexara a reason to come running in here, sword drawn.”

I eyed the shield. “Are you planning something that makes a lot of noise?”

He studied me, as if weighing his options, then smiled. It wasn’t a reassuring expression, more catlike and feral. “You can be loud sometimes. But it’s up to you. If you want the entire house to hear you, then I’ll take it down. Your decision.” He raised an eyebrow.

“It’s fine.” Nervous excitement set my skin tingling. I’d missed this side of him, the dark half that liked to push me to the edge of my comfort zone.

He held out his hand, and a wave of blue energy wrapped around me and yanked me from the bed. I yelped as my arms stretched above my head, wrists trapped, suspended. Legs apart, clothes gone. Exposed. I tugged against the bonds. Solid as iron.

I locked eyes with Leo. He approached. My nipples peaked, body alight with anticipation of his touch. He stroked his thumb over my brand, and the magic sparked. “I’ll miss having my mark on you, right here, for the world to see.”

He continued down over my collarbone to rest on my breast and twisted my nipple. I drew in a breath at the sudden, sharp pain. It turned to desire as it traveled to my center, pooling between my legs as aching need.

“I love watching you react to what I do to you.” He teased my other nipple, more than doubling the sensation. I moaned.