Page 72 of Ruled By Magic

“Almost ready,” said Atalie, “I’m just working out which mode gives the best shot.”

Leo stroked his hand through my hair, curled his fingers, and gave it a gentle tug. I bit back a gasp. The casual possessiveness, and being in this position in front of an audience, set my mind reeling. His thumb found my ear, traced the curve of it back and forth and, Zantus curse it, the tiny motion flowed like lightning right to my core. A weak point I didn’t know about until now. My face burned as a whimper slipped out, quiet enough that only Leo would have heard it.

He bent his head low, lips brushing my ear, and whispered, “This is fun. I should make you sit like this all the time.”

I didn’t trust myself to respond. His voice held a dark, playful note I hadn’t heard enough since we left the palace. It called to me.

“Ready to go?” asked Atalie.

Leo straightened. “Ready.” He took my chin in his hand, raising my eyes to his. “Look at me while I’m talking.”

I did. Atalie snorted. “Not like that. You’re supposed to be scared of him, not counting the seconds till he rips your clothes off.”

I closed my eyes, fought down lust, and called up fear. I opened them again.

“That’ll have to do,” said Atalie. “Three, two, one, go.”

Leo waved a lazy hand at the camera and spoke in a sarcastic drawl. “This is a message for King Varras and Crown Prince Adante. You’ve realized by now that I’m hard to kill, and you’ve lost the element of surprise. But we don’t need to remain at odds. I have much to discuss with you. I’m prepared to come for a visit. If it’s amenable for you to receive me four days from today, respond to this message.” He waved his hand again, and Atalie ended the recording.

“How did that look?” he asked.

“You came across arrogant as all hell, so mission accomplished.” Atalie brought the camera over so Leo could watch the vid.

He nodded. “Good enough.” He glanced down at me, a smile on his lips. “You can get up now.”

With a jolt, I jumped up from the floor. What was wrong with me? I’d slipped into a strange headspace. How long would I have sat there if he hadn’t given me permission to move? I avoided Hex’s gaze as I took the camera. “I’ll get this uploaded.”

Two days passed. I slept late and woke to an empty bed. After a quick shower, I headed to the kitchen to be met with raised voices. Leo and Hex. I sighed, braced myself, and went in.

“You can’t order me around. You’re not my boss.” Hex faced Leo with her fists clenched.

“No, I’m in charge of the entire fucking territory. But putting that aside, do you understand what we’re trying to achieve here? Or shall I explain it again?” Leo sat on the edge of the kitchen table wearing faded jeans and a tight black t-shirt scavenged from an old wardrobe. I liked him in casual clothes.

“He’s right,” said Damien, leaning on the counter. “You need to—”

“You always take his side, don’t you?” snapped Hex. “Hoping he’ll make you his consort too? You never stop stroking his fucking ego.”

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Leo turned to me with a smile. “You’re up.”

He stood and pulled me into a kiss for longer than necessary, hands sliding underneath my t-shirt.

Hex barked a laugh. “Oh, very mature. Why don’t you bang her on the kitchen table, just to prove you can?”

I detached from Leo. “What the hell? Why would you say that?”

“Come off it, Liv. You’re so fucking brainwashed, you’d let him.”

I gaped at Hex. She was often fiery, but never outright nasty. “What’s got into you?”

“I needed the dryer last night, so I came to your room to borrow it. Never knocked, though. What did I hear through the door? ‘Please, Lord Commander.’ And then a smack.”

The way Hex mimicked my voice—the high, pleading note—made my toes curl and heat creep up my face. Leo gripped my hand.

Hex glared at Leo. “Whatever sick bullshit you’re into, it’s not right. I’d have come straight in if Damien hadn’t stopped me.”

The big man looked as though he wanted the floor to swallow him. He raised his gaze to mine. “You didn’t sound like you needed rescuing. Was I right?”