Perfect. That word again. Was it truly how he saw me?
He captured my other wrist, pinned my arms to my sides, and dipped his head between my thighs.
I gasped as his tongue met my swollen, sensitive clit. Slow at first—light, soft strokes that had me squirming against his firm grip. I moaned and he paused, fixing me with a stern look. “Be quiet. You’ll wake the others.”
I clamped my lips together as he went back to work.
His tongue was delicious. I watched the sunlight through the canvas, the blanket rough against my cheek, and surrendered to the pure, overwhelming pleasure. He increased the pressure and I inched toward climax, closer and closer to the moment I would shatter.
When it arrived, I moaned. I couldn’t help it. It tore from my lips as I crested. My fingers clutched the blanket as my body contracted. As my climax subsided, Leo shifted above me, propped on his elbows, and smirked.
“That wasn’t quiet. I’m sure—”
Someone ripped the tent flap open, and sunlight dazzled my eyes.
Cold air and sunlight streamed in from the open tent flap. Hex stood framed in the doorway. She took us in, her face a mask of fury, then launched a kick into Leo’s ribs. “You fucking bastard!”
The blow sent him sprawling onto his back.
Hex jumped on top of him, raining down blows. He brought his hands up to his face, tried to block.
“Hex! Stop!” I shrieked, but she didn’t listen.
I hesitated. I was naked, but Leo couldn’t defend against her. He’d drained all his energy, and she had the strength of a man. I launched at her. We crashed into the side of the tent in a tangle.
Strong arms shoved me to the side, grabbed Hex, and dragged her out, flailing. Damien. “Calm the fuck DOWN! I don’t want to hurt you, but if you keep going like this, I might!”
I pulled the blanket to my chin, face flaming. The whole crew stood right outside the open tent flap.
Peter’s dry voice, close to anger, cut across the mayhem. “That’s enough, Hexara. Sit down on that log,”—he pointed—“or leave my camp.” They faced each other, the challenge clear. I saw the moment the fight left Hex. Her shoulders slumped, and she dropped her gaze. She sat.
“Tell Liv to show you her bruises,” she muttered. “Then you’ll see what he is. I don’t know why I’m the only one who gives a fuck.”
“I don’t need to see more of her than I just did, thanks,” said Peter.
I cringed back further. What did Hex find when she opened the tent? Me—naked—with Leo on top of me. No wonder she attacked him. My fault. I should’ve told her the truth yesterday.
Peter’s sharp gaze shot to Leo, who was now sitting up, feeling his face. “And a warm welcome to our exalted leader.” He shook his head in disgust. “Your Grace? Your Majesty? How should I address you?”
Leo’s steady voice belied the awkward situation. “Lord Commander will do.”
Peter snorted. “Well then, Lord Commander, if you’re recovered enough to be doing that—” He gestured to me. My face flamed. “Then you can write up official pardons for my whole crew. That’s my price for helping you, and for the information you need. Do you accept the terms?”
A long pause. Leo nodded. “Yes, I accept.”
Peter let out a breath. “Good.” He eyed the rest of the group, lingering longest on Hex. “No more fucking or fighting till I’m gone. Hex, you’re coming with me.” He stomped off. Hex sat on the log, studying her hands. Leo moved forward with a wince and started to zip our tent up.
“Liv?” Hex pinned me with her gaze. Leo froze.
I swallowed. “Yes?”
“Why did you push me off him? What’s going on?”
My breath caught. This was it. “It’s complicated. Not what you think—”
“What are you saying?”
“It’s—” I struggled to form the words. “I’m not his prisoner anymore. We’re together. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you—”