Page 15 of Ruled By Magic

Warmth from his hand still lingered on my leg. I twisted my creased skirt between my fingers. “Sounds lovely.”

He made a low noise in his throat, not quite a laugh. “It’ll be boring as all hell. You’ll be the only fun thing there.” His lips held a faint curve of amusement. “I’ll be sure to make it a memorable experience for you. Be back here by four, not a minute later.” An awkward silence lingered. He raised his hand in farewell. “Goodbye.”

A corona of blue light engulfed him, and he was gone. I flinched. His vanishing act would take some getting used to. Even more worrying, he could reappear any time. But for now, I could relax a little. His presence knocked me off balance so much I couldn’t think straight. A shower first, before Helen arrived.

The scalding water singed my skin and warmed my bones. Luxurious beyond belief, compared to prison. Three freezing cold minutes a day. Was Hex being blasted by icy water right now? I flicked off the flow and felt for a towel through the cloud of steam. Thick and soft, of course. Only the best for the Lord Commander’s captive.

The wardrobe loomed. Apprehension pooled in my stomach as I pulled the door open. Clothing awaited, and I threw it all on the bed. Not as bad as the previous night, but still indecent. Tailored skirts in soft fabrics, but they stopped well short of the knee. Even the most daring Dexian fashions fell below. Silky fitted tops in a selection of colors, but no bras. All high quality and sized to fit me. At least there were flat shoes.

I sat down on the bed and resigned myself to the inevitable. I wouldn’t be properly dressed for the next six months. Might as well accept it. It wouldn’t stop me exploring the palace, and the moons would drop from the sky before I’d beg the Lord Commander for different outfits. I chose a navy-blue shirt and black skirt. The clothes clung to my body, just as I’d feared. Flattering, but indecent.

I poked around the pristine space as I waited for Helen. On a side table, laid out in a perfect fan, sat the previous day’s court circulars. I hated them. Bright, garish colors promised excitement and manufactured scandal. Read by mages and non-mages alike, they chronicled the outfits and indulgences of Dexia’s elite. Why did people care? Morbid curiosity pulled me toward them.

My own face stared back from the covers.

The world swam and shuddered. I screwed my eyes shut, fisted my hands, and steadied myself. The Lord Commander told me it would happen, but seeing it in reality cut deeper. I prized my eyes open and focused on one. The headline read: A Disgraceful Bargain.

They’d captured the moment the Lord Commander made his offer. Shame sluiced through me at the image, sure to be seen by everyone I knew. On my knees, eyes locked on him. My face etched in fear and his, predatory intent. As I examined the man who held me in the palm of his hand, nerves churned in my stomach. But with them, a faint ember of desire. My skin pricked as though it remembered his touch.

Stop it.

As I opened the circular, a knock sounded.

“Liv, I’m coming in.” The door swung in to admit Helen. Dressed in a sensible tweed suit, she offered a bright smile. My heart rose at the sight of her. She glanced down at my reading material and frowned. “Don’t read that nonsense. I can’t stand those things, they’re only good for lighting fires.”

I gestured to the cover. “I agree. I’m not used to seeing myself in them though.”

“It won’t be the last time. They’re obsessed with the Lord Commander, and your appearance has sent everyone into a spin.” She shook her head. “I’m having a hard time getting anyone to do any work.”


“It’s not your fault, don’t be silly. Now come on, I need to show you round and it’s a big place.” She took in my outfit and sighed. “The clothes haven’t improved, I see. Never mind. People will gawp, but they have short attention spans. They’ll get distracted by the next shiny thing soon enough.”

I followed her out of the apartment.

“I have a key card to operate the elevator, but the Lord Commander has linked it and the door to your, um, mark.” She looked down, as if embarrassed on my behalf. “It’s all powered by his magic. It should work for you.”

I blanched.

Helen nodded. “I know. He’s decided the prohibitions don’t apply to him. I can’t say what the priests will do when they find out, but it won’t be pretty. So don’t mention it to anyone, please.”

Useful information. And he didn’t seem to care who found out. Otherwise, he wouldn’t let me know, would he? He couldn’t trust me to keep a secret, given my crime. Was this piece of info a trap, to see what I would do?

Magic and technology are never to mix.One of the core teachings of Zantus. And he ignored the rule for something as minor as powering an elevator? It arrived, and the doors opened. Had it registered my mark? The spark of the Lord Commander’s magic it must contain? I touched my cheekbone and felt the zing. What else could it do? It joined me to the Lord Commander, a constant link. Creepy.

The elevator slid downward. “It goes straight from the foyer to the corridor outside his apartment. There aren’t any other stops. He has it all warded. No one gets in or out without his say so.”

Not a comforting thought. Alone with him, I could only rely on myself.

We emerged into a large, airy foyer with wooden floors and a huge marble desk manned by three receptionists. Fancy. Dozens of men in tailored suits hurried about. A few women in long, conservative dresses. Several did a shocked double take as they noticed me but moved on when Helen glared at them. A personal attack dog, ready to strike.

The doors glided open, and we exited into the sunlight. Sunlight! I placed a hand on Helen’s arm, turned my face upwards, and bathed in the gentle warmth. My fears washed away as I breathed in fresh air scented by flowers. The first sun I’d felt in weeks.

As reality crept back in, I opened my eyes to find Helen watching me. Sympathy lay in her expression. “It must have been horrible. The prison, I mean.”

“It was. They only let me out of my cell for an hour a day to exercise, and I didn’t see anyone except the guards. There was nothing to do, and no one spoke to me—”

Horrified at myself, I felt tears prick my eyes. A single kind person, and I wanted to spill out all my pent-up emotions in a huge word salad. I reined myself in and took a deep breath.