Ren’s returning smirk was full of heat. “Maybe.”
Most of the furniture had been stacked and pushed aside, making room for the front and back of the house to share the space.
Getting to see everyone was the best part of the after party.
“It’s September fifth,” Vi said. “I’m a Virgo. When is yours?”
“January fourth! I think that makes me a Capricorn.” I grinned.
“Huh,” Vi mused, tilting her head to the side and resting her cheek on her knuckles, propped up by her elbow. “I would’ve guessed a water sign.”
“Ren’s a Cancer.”
“Softie,” teased Vi with a flirty look that Ren pretended not to catch.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Juniper said, taking the seat beside Ren. “How do I always end up beside you?”
“Because you love me?” Ren suggested, nudging her.
“Ooooh, you caught me,” Juniper volleyed back sarcastically. “Whatever will I do?”
Dana clapped her hands twice, cutting off Ren’s reply.
“Great work this week, everyone. For anyone who hasn’t gotten to meet her yet—our search for a third bartender is finally over. Everyone, meet Striker. Striker, this is everyone.”
Vi stood up, missing the smirk that Nick shot toward Dana as she looked around with an awkward, put-on-the-spot type of wave. “Hey, if you need anything, just ask.”
“Cute,” Kitty said as Vi sat back down.
“You could’ve mentioned that part,” she hissed at Kaylee.
Ren piled coconut rice and beef vindaloo onto my plate before sliding it toward me.
“This is so good I’m going to die,” Vi moaned beside me, digging into a vegetable samosa. “I fucking love these things.”
“Let me grab some wine,” Cole said, hopping up to go grab a few bottles from the bar.
Unsurprisingly, dinner was spectacular. Dana had gotten about two of everything that the restaurant offered, and after several bottles of wine shared amongst the table and far too many of Vi’s new cocktail, I was pleasantly buzzed—and totally stuffed.
“Do you want another drink?” Vi asked, leaning into my ear as she pushed back her chair.
“Sure,” I replied. “You think maybe that one from before?”
“The Knockoff Rolex?”
“No way!”
She chuckled. “Oh, I know—the special one?”
I nodded just as Cole looped his arm with Vi’s, Kaylee coming to grab her other side.
“Let Ren get us all drinks!” he insisted, leading Vi away to the sofa closest to the stage. “It’s Peaches’s birthday tomorrow, so there’s caaaaake!” He waved a plate of chocolate cake under her nose, and Vi’s eyes widened with excitement.
“Sorry, Els!” she called as the trio plunked down onto the couch, casting me a helpless look as Kaylee dove immediately into a whispered conversation.
Ren traded seats to put her arm around me, kissing my cheek. “Seems whatever happened before is all smoothed over, yeah?”
I sighed softly, turning my head to steal a kiss from her lips. “I think so; now I just gotta figure out what I did in the first place.”