Page 114 of Bite Marks

“Make her feel good, Vi.”

Never have I ever had a threesome.

Guess I could put my finger down now.


. . .

Rustling woke me up,my eyes opening slowly as I looked for the source of the noise in the half-dark of the neon-lit room.

Dana was just pulling her shirt over her head, her tightly curled hair standing up at angles from lying on the pillow.

“Hey,Mozinho,” she whispered as Elsie rolled, snuggling into my side with a cute little wheezing snore.

I don’t even know what the word means, but I love the way it rolls off her tongue.

“Is that you calling me lazy or something?” I asked with a sleepy chuckle.

“No. That’s me calling you… sweetheart.”

Damn. Okay. Surely it was too early to be this smitten already. A grip, Vi! A single one!

“Where are you going?”

“Early meeting,” she murmured, bending for a heated kiss as she stowed her phone into her pocket. “Believe me, I’d rather still be beside you.”

I hummed against her lips. “What for?”

“Nothing interesting.” She sighed. “Off to meet the lawyers and see if they were able to dig up a copy of the will.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks.” She stole another few quick pecks before a longer, more lingering kiss. “I’ll likely need it.”

Reluctantly, I let Dana go, waving to her as she opened Kaylee’s bedroom door as quietly as possible, my friend’s snoring drifting from the living room down the hall. She turned with one last smile, blowing me a kiss that I mimed catching before she shut the door behind her, leaving me straining to listen for the eventual close of the front door.

Last night had been…. Unreal.

Images flashed in snapshots of Dana, Elsie, and me trading places, pulling every drop of pleasure we could from each other’s bodies for several hours after Kaylee had passed out on the sofa bed.

I reminded myself to pick up some flowers and a gift certificate for a massage. Kaylee had been overly generous lately in letting me use her room.

Fuck, I really need to get my own place.

But with the money I was saving and the debts I’d already been able to pay off for my mom?I could handle a couple more months crashing on the couch.

Pay everything off, then get a little nest egg set up as a safety net, and then get myself an apartment—hopefully close by.

I’d become rather fond of this neighborhood… Even if I did still miss the sun sometimes.

Elsie’s soft snores teased a fond smile to my face, her body warm beside mine after hours of leeching my heat into her skin, pliable in the early hours of the morning as I adjusted her to rest against my chest.

I wondered what it would be like to watch as the golden hour illuminated her skin in soft streaks of pink and orange, colouringher silvery hair like a kaleidoscope. But Elsie was already perfect to me in the cool glow of the neon lights slipping through the parted curtains, in the revolving perfume and grocery delivery service ads on the electronic billboard outside flicking between hues of purple and green.

I studied her lips, the slightly fuller bottom and perfect cupid’s bow of the top, parted in sleep. And the steady stream of drool that dripped out of her mouth onto my T-shirt that I was sure would embarrass the hell out of her when she woke.

So ridiculously cute.