Page 9 of Bite Marks

Nowreallywasn’t the time for this. But Jesus, had the dating apps been dry lately.

A woman had some needs that even their most trusted vibrator couldn’t handle.

My eyes shifted to the bottles behind the bar again, voice hopeful as I ordered what was undeniably the most expensive thing they had on the shelf. “Two fingers of Strigoi Black, the one hundred, please.”

Dana groaned, tipping her head back to look at the ceiling. “And she hastaste. Where has Baby been keeping you?”

“In a fourth floor walk up,” I sighed dramatically. “A crime, isn’t it?”

“Undeniably,” Ren said, moving away to fetch my drink.

I turned to Dana, taking Ren’s turned back as an opportunity to refocus on the stunning vampire. “Now that you’re here, what did you say outside? Did you insult me or something?”

She smirked, tongue pressing against her fang, a small diamond I didn’t notice in the dark of outside glittering against the enamel. “Quite the opposite, darling. I said you’re beautiful. Sexy, in Portuguese. I’m Brazilian, immigrated not long after the unveiling.

“Oh,” I said softly, my face going hot.

Not just a hot vampire with the prettiest dark brown skin and expertly styled hair, but one that could whisper sweet nothings to me inPortuguese.

Kaylee appeared from behind a curtain in a corset and not much else, grinning as she raced around the bar to throw her arms around me with an excited squeal. “You really came!”

“I told you I would,” I said, squeezing her back with a light, half-embarrassed laugh.

In the process of our embrace, I‘d acquired a fair amount of body glitter, constantly being vaguely sparkly a hazard of being friends with someone as glamorous as Kaylee. She was always leaving little glimmering bits everywhere, like cat fur.

“Popular,” Ren teased.

“And for good reason,” Dana replied with a heated look in my direction before turning her gaze to Ren. “I didn’t see Cole come in; is he lateagain?”

“Called out,” Ren interrupted with an irritated sigh. “So, I’m fucked, basically.”

“Vi could help you,” Kaylee offered, slinging an arm around my shoulders and giving me a little shake. I pretended to miss her pointed, pleading look. “Couldn’t you, Vi?”

Ren and Dana appeared to have a conversation without words, the pair sharing a series of looks.

“Well…” Ren started slowly. “Idoneed the help.”

“And we’ve heard you need a job, right?” Dana said quickly. “I could pay you cash for tonight?—”

“What?” I yelped. “Listen, I’m just here to check the place out, I wasn’t really prepared toworktonight. And… Are you even allowed to hire?—”

“It’smybar,” Dana said with another one of those sharp, knee-wobbling grins. “Come on, Vi. I’ll pay you… Well, five hundred cash is fair, right? Since you’re helping us out… Plus, you can keep whatever you make in tips. I won’t even have you tip out the bussers.” She extended her hand for me to shake, eyes pleading. “Please? We’re a little desperate, I’m afraid, darling.”

I looked between the three of them—Kaylee’s hopeful beaming, Ren’s slightly quirked smirk, and Dana’s persuasively desperate eyes—and blew out a sigh.

“Fine, but I still want the scotch.”

“Yes!” Kaylee whooped, punching the air. “Told you that you just needed to see the place.”

“I’m not agreeing to anything more thanone night,” I said quickly, shaking Dana’s cool hand.

The vampire locked their free hand around the shake, grasping my palm between both of hers. “You’re really saving my ass. I owe you one.”

My lips twitched, face warming at her proximity. Something that I wasabsolutelygoing to have to ignore.

What was worse than a hot vampire that I could barely speak around? A hot vampire I could barely speak around who was also myboss.

Like she’d had a similar thought, Dana dropped my hands, taking a measured step away.