Page 36 of Bite Marks

Juniper’s eyes softened, seeming to think better of whatever rude comment she’d opened her mouth to lob my way.

“You’re right, I have work to do. Later, Elsie, Dana,” she said, pushing off the railing and offering a little wave.

Ren sucked her teeth, a dark eyebrow rising dangerously. “No goodbye for me? We’ll just see about that.” She smacked a quick kiss to my cheek and nodded to Dana before jogging up the metal steps to the loft, with the tang of metal punctuating her steps.

“Think you have enough time to—” Dana started as she checked her watch, cursing. “Elsie! You’re on like now!”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” I hissed, quickly applying my lipstick. Luckily, I’d already gotten changed while I waited for Vi to bring our lunch.


My stupid stomach tied itself in knots at the thought of her, but with curtain call looming and Dana patting my butt to get me moving, I didn’t have time to stress about it.

Besides, she promised to stay for the afterparty tonight. I could work my magic on Vi once she’d been stuffed full of the finest takeout that the cheap pizza place down the block had to offer—or whatever Dana picked this time.

People were always happiest when plied with good food, a couple drinks, and some time with friends. The perfect setting for me to unleash my brand new and totally epic plan—Operation:Get to know everything there is to know about Vivienne Knox.

Okay, yeah. I still needed to work on that name. It didn’t exactly roll off the tongue. But, snappy title notwithstanding, I had a job to do.

A goal.

Dana slid my robe off my shoulders, hanging it up as I strapped on my shoes. “Break a leg, babe.”

“Thanks,” I smiled, leaning forward to quickly press my lips to hers, leaving behind a bright pink smudge. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Don’t worry about Vi, okay? If it’s meant to be, it’ll be.” She turned me toward the stage and smacked my butt, making me laugh. “Have a good show.”

With a wink over my shoulder, I dashed to make my curtain call, taking the steps backstage two at a time.

I’d never make another wish—star, birthday, or double eleven if she was right.

Anything, if giving Vi a little time would mean her wanting me half as badly as I wanted her.

Off my game didn’t even fall into the same planet of how I felt stepping onto the stage, the usually familiar movements coming to me shakily as I danced. I just hoped that it wasn’t noticeable that my attention was off.

Not that it wasmyfault.

I blamed the lighting tech for making the bar so visible from the stage… and my dumb improved sight.

Being a vampire was soannoyingsometimes. Could a girl not try and ignore her crush in peace without every one of my senses working overtime to make sure I was hyper-aware of her?

Having a plan didn’t do anything to help me until it was set in motion. So, whenever I turned and caught a glimpse of Vi accidentally brushing against Cole behind the bar as they worked together to cover Ren’s break... It stroked an angry little lick up my spine.

I knew she and Ren had something going, and I knew Colecouldn’tandwouldn’tget in the middle of it, so it was totally stupid… but I felt jealous seeing them work together so effortlessly.

It just seemed so easy between Vi and everybody but me.

Well… Unless you counted Juniper. But it was hard to consider her as a factor until she was willing to at least admit her attraction to Vi.

As frustrating as it was… Maybe she was right.

Was I coming on too strong?

The uneasy feeling in my stomach coiled tighter as I bowed, letting the applause wash over me in a wave. Usually, it leftme feeling warm, appreciated. But tonight? I wanted to get backstage as quickly as possible.

The only positive was knowing that the club was closed and that the patrons would be steadily funnelling out, leaving the staff to enjoy the afterparty and me to my plan.

Probably the most annoying part was that I thought Vi liked me, but it was hard to tell if shelikedme.