Page 141 of Bite Marks

I don’t know how long we stayed like that but, eventually, my tears stopped falling, and I was able to pull myself from the pile we’d found ourselves in. As I did, I knew there was something else they needed to see. I headed back over to where I’d dropped my bag on the floor next to the door.

The clasp snapped open, and I reached for the manila envelope.

“And then there’s this,” I said as I held it out for them to see.

“What?” they said almost at the same time, both coming toward me.

“Oh my god,” Kaylee gasped.

“Cherie’s will. The bar. Oh my god, it’s yours,” Danny added. “Vivian Knox. In black and white.”

“Why would she leave it to me?”

“I don’t know,” Danny answered. “But what are you going to do?”

I wasn’t sure, but before I could even think about it, there was a thundering knock on Danny’s door.


. . .

Before Garrett walkedout of O with Dana’s favourite candy dish clutched in his grubby little hands, he made sure to let us know that tonight we’d be hosting a party for him and hisfriends.

The crash that followed coming from Dana’s office let me know she was not happy about it—which made me nervous.

I looked around and saw that everyone was dreading Garrett’s party and very sure it would be a complete shitshow. Hisfriendswere all dickheads, just like him, and surely wouldn’t give a shit about trashing the place or trying to touch whoever they wanted.

With the threat of losing the club hanging over our heads, though, we knew we couldn’t say no. So now we would all be stuck getting ready for a night that was sure to be one to remember—and not for any of the right reasons.

I started pinning up my hair while Juniper did the same to try to repair one of the costumes in the corner.As I looked in the mirror, I was glad Vi wasn’t supposed to be there tonight. If I saw one of those freaks put their disgusting hands on her, nothing would stop me from tearing them to shreds.

As the thought hit me, a strange feeling came over me. Something about it felt like déjà vu, and it sent a wave of nausea through me. I tried to shake it, chalk it up to nervousness and anxiety about tonight, but the feeling didn’t waver.

“Ouch,” I heard Juniper call.

I dropped my mascara and quickly moved toward her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she said, looking down at her finger. “I just poked myself.”

I took her hand, seeing the pinprick of blood start to form. Bringing the finger to my mouth, I licked the wound, tasting her until she was no longer bleeding.

“What was that for?” June asked.

“A little treat for me,” I said with a smirk.

She offered a barely-there smile back, which for her was basically a laugh. Juniper turned back to her work, but I stood behind her, leaning my chin on her shoulder. The sequins of the outfit she was working on shone in the lights coming down from above. As she fidgeted with it, they would occasionally reflect in my eye, hurting for a brief moment before she moved once again.

“Feeling nervous?” I asked.

“No, just pissed off at that asshole,” she spat out.

I kissed her neck gently. “Don’t worry; we all are.”

Her body relaxed a bit against mine as she allowed herself to find comfort in me.

I ran my hand up her thigh and was about to say something naughty and distracting when Dana burst through the curtains, looking crazed and disheveled.

“I need you guys to see this.”